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имеющее форму
 иметь форму
Makarov. be shaped as; be the form of; be the shape of; in the form of
tech. be in a form
 имеющий форму
gen. formed
geom. of a ... shape
IT shaped
Makarov. -shaped
psychol. informed
| дуги
gen. arc
- only individual words found

to phrases
иметь формуstresses
gen. have the shape of (чего-либо); have the form of (чего-либо); be shaped like (иметь форму растений или животных — be shaped like plants or animals Alex_Odeychuk)
law bear the form of (e.g., instruments bearing the form of promissory notes; англ. цитата приводится из решения United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. be shaped as; be the form of; be the shape of (Alexander Demidov); in the form of; in the shape of; take the form of; be in the form of; be in the shape of; have uniform
math. be formed into; be shaped like; be of the form; take on a form
progr. take the form (ssn)
tech. be in a form
имеющий форму
gen. formed
geom. of a ... shape (of a rectangular shape)
IT shaped
Makarov. -shaped (как компонент сложных слов; ...)
psychol. informed
имеющий форму X
gen. decussate
имеющее форму дуги: 3 phrases in 3 subjects