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суши весла!stresses
gen. ship oars! (команда)
nautic. lay on your oars!; rest upon the oars!
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gen. lie on one's oars; rest on one's oars; take one's foot off the gas (Go slower. The reference is to the accelerator pedal of a vehicle. Alexander Demidov)
суши вёсла
idiom. stop the presses! (VLZ_58); relax (VLZ_58); chill out (VLZ_58)
mil., tech. easy (команда); oars (команда); way enough (команда)
nautic. avast rowing (SvetlanaC)
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nautic. lie on the oars; rest on the oars
nautic., Makarov. ship oars; unship oars
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Makarov., nautic. lie on oars; rest on oars
mil., tech. lie on the oars (команда)
"Суши весла!"
nautic. ease all!; lay on the oars!; oars!; rest on the oars
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nautic. rest on one's oars
суши вёсла!
nautic. easy all! (команда)