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независимо от причинstresses
gen. whatever the reason (Alexander Demidov); no matter how caused (Johnny Bravo)
law howsoever caused (Самурай); for any reason whatsoever (4uzhoj); however occurring (On termination of this Agreement, however occurring, the Customer will... 4uzhoj); for any reason (In the event the Publishers cancel the Agreement for any reason during the term of this Agreement, all rights granted under this Agreement shall revert automatically to the Proprietor. 4uzhoj); howsoever arising (напр., о нарушении договора 4uzhoj); however caused (См. пример в статье "чем бы ни было вызвано". I. Havkin)
независимо от причины
gen. regardless of the reason (engie86)
avia. for any reason (elena.kazan)
busin. for whatever cause (Rori)
независимо от причин: 8 phrases in 6 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Notarial practice1