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verb | verb | to phrases
воссоединиться vstresses
gen. return into the framework; join; rejoin (When it came to the issue of Crimea (which has been occupied by Russian-backed troops since 2014), we were never to write anything on the subject that didn't include language noting that 90 percent of Crimea residents voted in a referendum to rejoin Russia. politico.com 4uzhoj); reconnect (reconnect to nature – воссоединиться с природой Vladimir)
Gruzovik reunite (pf of воссоединяться); recombine with (impf of воссоединиться; intrans)
amer. marry up idiom (where they married up with other members of the team Val_Ships)
воссоединить v
gen. redintegrate; rally (ся)
Gruzovik reunite (pf of воссоединять); join (pf of воссоединять)
воссоединиться: 10 phrases in 6 subjects
Foreign policy1
United Nations1