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водоохранная зонаstresses
gen. designated water area (Alexander Demidov); water body buffer zone (Водоохранная зона – это территория, примыкающая к береговой линии морей, рек, ручьёв, каналов, озёр, водохранилищ. В водоохранной зоне (в сокращении – ВЗ) в соответствии с Водным кодексом РФ ( ФЗ N73 от 1.07.2007 года) установлен специальный режим (ограничение) ведения хозяйственной и иной деятельности. Alexander Demidov); aquatic buffer (An aquatic buffer is an area along a shoreline, wetland, or stream where development is restricted or prohibited. The primary function of aquatic buffers is to physically protect and separate a stream, lake or wetland from future disturbance or encroachment. ... The three types of buffers are: Water pollution hazard setbacks, areas that may create a potential pollution hazard to the waterway. By providing setbacks from these areas in the form of a buffer, potential pollution can be avoided. Vegetated buffers that are any number of natural areas that exist to divide land uses or provide landscape relief. Engineered buffers, areas specifically designed to treat stormwater before it enters into a stream, shore or wetland Alexander Demidov)
construct. water protection zone; water protection area; sanitary protection zone
ecol. water conservation zone (max UK hits – АД Ivanov M.)
econ. water conservation district
environ. streamside management zone (Olga_ptz)
forestr. catchment-protection zone; water-conservation zone
meat. water protective area
nat.res. area of protection of water
O&G, sahk.s. water fenced-off area (Elka)
O&G, sakh. water protective zone
водоохранная зона: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Water supply1