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gen. beware of a quite dog and still water; one does not need to be afraid of a barking dog, but he should be afraid of a silent dog; one doesn't need to be afraid of a barking dog, but he should be afraid of a silent dog; one need not be afraid of a barking dog, but he should be afraid of a silent dog; one needn't be afraid of a barking dog, but he should be afraid of a silent dog; you do not need to be afraid of a barking dog, but you should be afraid of a silent dog; you don't need to be afraid of a barking dog, but you should be afraid of a silent dog; you need not be afraid of a barking dog, but you should be afraid of a silent dog; you needn't be afraid of a barking dog, but you should be afraid of a silent dog
idiom. crafty (last_tochka); still water runs deep (Olga Fomicheva)
proverb still waters run deep; still waters have deep bottoms; beware of a silent dog and still water; where the river is deepest it makes the least noise; the still sow eats all the draff; the devil lurks behind the cross; he knows most who speaks least; dumb dogs are dangerous (дословно: Молчаливые собаки опасны); it's the quiet ones you got to watch (DARKLY); smooth water runs deep