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nonchalantly ['nɒnʃǝlǝntlɪ] adv.stresses
gen. беззаботно (shergilov); бесстрастно (shergilov); беспечно (shergilov); равнодушно (shergilov); безразлично (shergilov); небрежно (shergilov); невозмутимо (Marina_Onishchenko); как ни в чём не бывало (Alex_Odeychuk); не моргнув глазом (в негативном значении: He nonchalantly dismissed the complexities of the issue with a wave of his hand, leaving everyone in the room speechless by his blatant disregard vogeler); с непосредственностью (в негативном значении: He nonchalantly dismissed the complexities of the issue with a wave of his hand, leaving everyone in the room speechless by his blatant disregard vogeler); с такой непосредственностью (в негативном значении: He nonchalantly dismissed the complexities of the issue with a wave of his hand, leaving everyone in the room speechless by his blatant disregard vogeler)
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inf. непринуждённо (Agasphere)
uncom. бессумятно (Супру)