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тропический бубонstresses
med. sixth venereal disease (venereal lymphogranuloma, n. – A venereal infection usually caused by Chlamydia and characterized by a transient genital ulcer and inguinal adenopathy in the male; in the female, perirectal nodes are involved, and rectal stricture is a common occurrence. SYN: climatic bubo; Nicolas-Favre disease; sixth venereal disease; tropical bubo: Венерическая лимфогранулема (паховая лимфогранулема, болезнь Дюрана-Никола-Фавра, тропический бубон, четвертая венерическая болезнь и др.) – хроническое инфекционное заболевание, передающееся, как правило, половым путем. Хламидийная гранулема (венерическая). rosmedlib.ru 'More); tropical bubo (venereal lymphogranuloma n. A venereal infection usually caused by Chlamydia and characterized by a transient genital ulcer and inguinal adenopathy in the male; in the female, perirectal nodes are involved, and rectal stricture is a common occurrence. SYN climatic bubo, Nicolas-Favre disease, sixth venereal disease, tropical bubo dictionary.com 'More)