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gen. invoice; sales invoice
construct. bill of quantities; BOQ
EBRD commercial invoice
law bill of parcels; invoice; bill
| выставляемый
gen. spread oneself
| получателем товара
 получатель товара
gen. goods receiver
| от имени
 от имени
law on behalf of
| поставщика
gen. supplier

to phrases
gen. invoice (rather formal) a bill for goods that sb has bought or work that has been done for sb: > The builders sent an invoice for L250. bill or invoice? You would get a bill in a restaurant, bar or hotel; from a company that supplies you with gas, electricity, etc; or from sb whose property you have damaged. An invoice is for goods supplied or work done as agreed between a customer and supplier. OALD); sales invoice
bank. invoice
construct. bill of quantities; BOQ
EBRD commercial invoice (A commercial invoice is a document used in foreign trade. It is used as a customs declaration provided by the person or corporation that is exporting an item across international borders.[1] [2] Although there is no standard format, the document must include a few specific pieces of information such as the parties involved in the shipping transaction, the goods being transported, the country of manufacture, and the Harmonized System codes for those goods. A commercial invoice must also include a statement certifying that the invoice is true, and a signature. A commercial invoice is used to calculate tariffs, international commercial terms (like the Cost in a CIF) and is commonly used for customs purposes. Commercial invoices are in European countries not normally for payment. The definitive invoice for payment usually has only the words "invoice". This invoice can also be used as a commercial invoice if additional information is disclosed. (wiki) Alexander Demidov)
int.transport. invoice (Согласно Таможенному Кодексу РФ (ст. 11, п.1, пп. 29) счёт-фактура среди прочего является одним из основных документов для подтверждения таможенной стоимости товара. Не следует путать международный коммерческий счёт-фактуру (invoice он же commercial invoice) c внутрироссийским счётом-фактурой (tax invoice, VAT invoice), который, согласно Налоговому Кодексу, служит для исчисления НДС. Эти два понятия являются омонимами и каждое применяется в свое сфере. Bursch)
law bill of parcels (an account given by the seller to the buyer of the several articles purchased, with the price of each. – Bouvier. ( An account containing in detail the names of the items which compose a parcel or package of goods; it is usually transmitted with the goods to the purchaser, in order that if any mistake have been made, it may be corrected. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856 – АД thefreedictionary.com)&mwd Право международной торговли On-Line); invoice (Счёт-фактура – документ строго установленного формата, который выписывается продавцом на имя покупателя после того, как покупатель принял товар. An invoice or bill is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services with which the seller has already provided the buyer. (wiki). Принято в DV с переводом "счета" как "bill". Alexander Demidov); bill
Russia, tax. tax invoice (перевод подходит для России (для направления "русский –> англисйкий" – по ситуации); для Украины перевод неверен 4uzhoj); VAT invoice (если перевод для России) Вариант "налоговый счёт-фактура" для России является избыточным. 4uzhoj); detailed tax invoice (перевод верен для РФ и неверен для Украины Ihor Sapovsky)
torped. invoice (счёт на отправленный товар с указанием краткой спецификации, цены, расходов и других подробностей контракта); commercial invoice (счёт на отправленный товар с указанием краткой спецификации, цены, расходов и других подробностей контракта)
счёт - фактура
gen. invoice
счёт-фактура: 237 phrases in 33 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution5
Corporate governance3
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development13
Gold mining1
International Monetary Fund2
International trade1
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas4
Sakhalin R1
SAP finance10
SAP tech.2
Trade classification1