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И на старуху бывает прорухаstresses
idiom. Even monkeys can fall from the trees (okh_m)
и на старуху бывает проруха
Gruzovik, proverb even the wisest of us can make a mistake
idiom. happens to the best of us (masizonenko); the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry (приблиз.: парафраз из романа "О мышах и людях" (Of Mice and Men) Джона Стейнбека на строку "The best-laid schemes of mice and men • Go often askew" из стихотворения "К полевой мыши.../К мыши, разорённой моим плугом" (To a Mouse) Роберта Бёрнса Баян)
Makarov., proverb even Homer sometimes nods
proverb the best cart may be upset; the best cloth may have a moth in it; accidents will happen in the best regulated families; it could happen even to a bishop! (even an experienced person can make mistakes, to err is human); a good marksman may miss; even homer sometimes nods; every man has a fool in his sleeve; no man is wise at all times; he is lifeless who is faultless; nobody's perfect (Anglophile); it is a good horse that never stumbles. (Gomilon)
saying. homer sometimes nods