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without breaking a sweatstresses
gen. не парясь (достичь цели: She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily] vogeler); особо не напрягаясь (достичь цели: She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily] vogeler); не напрягаясь (достичь цели: She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily] vogeler); без напряга (достичь цели: She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily] vogeler); особо не парясь (достичь цели: She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily] vogeler)
amer. совершенно не утруждая себя (физически; without exerting oneself physically Val_Ships); не прилагая усилий (Val_Ships); легко (She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat = she gave the answers very easily Taras); без труда (Taras)