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the time is ripestresses
gen. пришло время (In January 1874 Gladstone decided that the time was ripe for a general election. triumfov); настало время (In January 1874 Gladstone decided that the time was ripe for a general election. 4uzhoj); самое время (to do something Anglophile); давно пора (Anglophile); пора́ (в знач. "пришло время": The Supreme Grand Master decided that the time was ripe. "Then we are agreed, Brethren?" • The glass is curved on both sides, with the popularity of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge convincing the South Korean brand that the time is ripe to make all its flagship phones look rounded and glossy. Anglophile); время пришло (4uzhoj); время настало (в т.ч. и без дополнения 4uzhoj)
pomp. приспело время (Супру)
the time is ripe: 13 phrases in 2 subjects