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go figurestresses
gen. вот так вот (утвердительная ремарка-восклицание, используется в качестве индикатора, что вы сами не понимаете причин только что изложенного факта, или не планируете вдаваться в детали этих причин: People are more aware of the risks of smoking nowadays, but more young women are smoking than ever. Go figure! vogeler); ну надо же (утвердительная ремарка-восклицание, используется в качестве индикатора, что вы сами не понимаете причин только что изложенного факта, или не планируете вдаваться в детали этих причин: People are more aware of the risks of smoking nowadays, but more young women are smoking than ever. Go figure! vogeler)
Игорь Миг просто невероятно!; чудеса, да и только!
inf. поди разберись (Taras); ну кто бы мог подумать; вот тебе и на! (After losing their first six games, they won the next ten. Go figure. Nuto4ka); вот поди ж ты (Рина Грант); поди разбери (barabulius); попробуй пойми (barabulius); ты только представь! (MES); поди пойми (Nuto4ka); иди знай (Баян); чёрт знает что (только в контексте 4uzhoj); вот тебе на! (Nuto4ka); вот и думай (4uzhoj); поди ж ты (Berezitsky); надо же (Berezitsky); ну вот как это? (The one day I call in sick at work, and the boss who happens to leave work early sees me at the strip joint... go figure! 4uzhoj); хер проссышь (Taras); хрен поймёшь (Taras)
inf., context. бог кого-либо разберет ("If women would just tell men what they really want, instead of inspecting us dumb schmucks to figure it out on our own, there wouldn't be any need for scam shrinks. Or divorse." Gonzo gave him one of those male looks that said, "Women! Go figure!")
sarcast. кто бы мог подумать (a sarcastic way of saying "Who would've figured that out?": A: "The teacher didn't give anyone A's even though the test was easy." B : "Go figure." (It's sarcastic because the teacher never gives A's) Tamerlane); вот это да (a sarcastic way of saying "Who would've have figured that out?": A boat in the ocean – go figure.); вот так неожиданность (a sarcastic way of saying "Who would've have figured that out?": A: "The teacher didn't give anyone A's even though the test was easy." B : "Go figure." (It's sarcastic because the teacher never gives A's)); как это понимать? (The author has a rather cumbersome, boring, personal story to tell that in the end does not make any sense. He tells people that they should live in small houses, and blames everybody around for not saving the planet. However, he himself lives on relatively large square footage of 1000sf+/person. Go figure. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
slang прикинь (sophieAH)
 English thesaurus
go figure
inf., n.amer. used in the imperative to indicate the unexpectedness or absurdity of something (thefreedictionary.com); said to express the belief that something is amazing or incredible (Well, all the good looking women were sitting with the physicists' table (go figure!) so I had to settle for sitting next to Steve Case. • This is a reality series watched by 40 million Americans every week - go figure. • urns out, he was going to break it off with the other woman anyway. (Seems that he doesn't actually have enough time for two girlfriends - go figure.) • When I've invited them to parties and explained they were ‘for adults only’, they never can find a baby sitter (go figure). lexico.com); used to say that you cannot understand a decision or situation (What sort of zoning law says you can’t give books away for free? Go figure! macmillandictionary.com); used to say that something is surprising or hard to understand (After losing their first six games, they won the next ten. Go figure. merriam-webster.com); used when you tell someone a fact and you then want to say that the fact is surprising, strange or stupid (mainly US: It's a terrible movie and it made $200 million. Go figure! cambridge.org); said to show that you think something is strange or difficult to explain (‘He didn’t even leave a message.’ ‘Go figure.’ ldoceonline.com)
go figure: 13 phrases in 3 subjects