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deb [deb] nstresses
Gruzovik, econ. долговые обязательства (debentures); облигации акционерных компаний (debentures)
inf. дебютантка; дебютант
slang девушка, входящая в банду подростков
Deb [deb] n
names Дебора
DEB [deb] abbr.
inf. ДЭБ (диэтилбензол; diethylbenzene MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
DEB [deb] abbr.
abbr. Defense Estimative Brief
abbr., file.ext. Debug script (DOS Debug)
abbr., inet. Debug Event Browser
abbr., IT Debug script; data extension block; desktop expansion base
abbr., med. drug eluting balloon; Dental Examining Board
abbr., med., dis. dystrophic epidermolisys bullosa (dragonfly_89)
abbr., mil. Deadly Energy Blast; Orbital Debris
abbr., physiol., med. Diet Exercise And Behavior
abbr., progr., IT Debate Evidence Blocker
abbr., scottish Digital European Backbone (USA)
airports, avia. Debrecen, Hungary
mil. Debris (Orbital)
tech. 2,4-dichlorophenoxyethyl benzoate; double-ended break
deb [deb] abbr.
abbr. debenture; debit
O&G debris
Deb. abbr.
abbr., commer. debit
DEBS [debz] n
Nasdaq Deb Shops, Inc.
tech. digital electron beam scanner
deb. abbr.
abbr. debenture
DEB [deb] abbr.
abbr. data extend block; diethylbutanediol
abbr., busin. debark
abbr., cardiol. drug-eluting balloon (баллон с высвобождением лекарственного вещества kat_j)
abbr., IT data extent block
abbr., oil diethylbenzene
abbr., space data extended block; detector electronic box; diethinylbenzene
DEB: 7 phrases in 4 subjects