
Entries reported by user vazik
eng rus 29.01.2012 pre-election campai­gn предвыборная кампан­ия это выражение подразумевает использование нечестных приёмов
eng rus 29.01.2012 pre-election campai­gn предвыборная кампан­ия refers to politicians trying before that to gain public popularity with a view to getting elected in a future election (i.e.behaving improperly in not sticking to the official procedure).
eng rus 29.01.2012 pre-election campai­gn предвыборная кампан­ия это выражение подразумевает использование нечестных приёмов
eng rus 29.01.2012 pre-election campai­gn предвыборная кампан­ия refers to politicians trying before that to gain public popularity with a view to getting elected in a future election (i.e.behaving improperly in not sticking to the official procedure).
eng rus 18.10.2010 membership принадлежность (of)