
Terms for subject Microsoft containing right | all forms | exact matches only
Be Right BackСкоро вернусь (An item on the user's My Status menu that can be selected to indicate that the user is away from the computer but will return shortly)
Fly In, Left and Rightполёт внутрь, влево и вправо (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Information Right Managementуправление информационными правами (аналог более известного Digital Right Management (DRM) от Microsoft zock)
left to right arrowдвунаправленная стрелка (Andy)
left-to-rightслева направо (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, and languages for which text is displayed in a left-to-right direction. English and most other European languages are left-to-right languages)
logon rightsправа входа (User rights that are assigned to a user and that specify the ways in which a user can log on to a system)
Manage Lists rightправо "'Управление списками'" (A right that allows a user to add, modify, and remove lists, document libraries, discussion boards, and surveys)
right-alignedвыровненный по правому краю (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the right margin)
right-clickщёлкнуть правой кнопкой мыши (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
right-click equivalentэквивалент правого щелчка
Right-click to interact with this groupЩёлкните правой кнопкой мыши для работы с группой (Windows Live Messenger Wave 5 Rori)
right outer joinправое внешнее соединение (An outer join in which all the records from the right side of the RIGHT JOIN operation in the query's SQL statement are added to the query's results, even if there are no matching values in the joined field from the table on the left)
right-to-leftсправа налево (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, languages, etc. for which text is displayed in a right-to-left direction)
Right-to-Left Reading Orderпорядок чтения справа налево (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
Right Two-Headed Arrowстрелка вправо с двумя наконечниками (Office System 2013 Rori)
to quickly mark a task complete, right-click the task, and then click Mark Complete on the shortcut menu.чтобы быстро пометить задачу как завершённую, щёлкните её правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в меню команду "Пометить как завершённую" (Outlook 2007)
two-finger right-clickдвухпальцевый правый щелчок (A multi-touch gesture that consists of either a left-down movement, or right-down, right-up or left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up (roll))
user principal name suffix (The part of the user principal name UPN to the right of theсуффикс имени участника-пользователя