
Terms for subject Historical containing wife | all forms | exact matches only
ale wifeшинкарка (Anglophile)
ataman's wifeатаманша
boyar's wifeбоярыня
chief wife of the Sultanглавная жена султана (Alex_Odeychuk)
child wifeжена-девочка (в некоторых странах)
elector's wifeкурфюрстина
esaul's wifeесаульша
hetman's wifeгетманша
posadnik's wifeпосадничиха
posadnik's wifeпосадница
sultan's legal wifeзаконная жена султана (Alex_Odeychuk)
wife of a cesarevitchцесаревна
wife of a Decembristдекабристка
wife of a governor of a townгородничиха
wife of a marshal of nobilityпредводительша
wife of a streletsстрельчиха (strelets – a soldier in the regular army in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries)
wife of district superintendent of policeисправница
wife of district superintendent of policeисправничиха (= исправница)
wife of marshal of nobilityпредводительша
wife of the Russian crown princeцесаревна (mayeristvan)