
Terms for subject Management containing document | all forms | exact matches only
document approval and routingутверждение и маршрутизация документов (MichaelBurov)
document controlуправление документооборотом проекта (Dashout)
inbound document processingобработка входящих документов (chobotar)
organizational documentорганизационный документ (chobotar)
outbound document processingобработка исходящих документов (chobotar)
snapshot documentдокумент в разработке (The purpose of this snapshot document is to disseminate information on the current direction and thinking in advance of formal publication of the Z, Version Y.0 which is currently under development. gotlibvv)
snapshot documentпроект документа в текущей, рабочей редакции (The purpose of this snapshot document is to disseminate information on the current direction and thinking in advance of formal publication of the Z, Version Y.0 which is currently under development. gotlibvv)