
Terms for subject Sarcastical containing Right | all forms | exact matches only
go right aheadваляй (If you want to waste resources tailing some mid- level dupes, go right ahead, but I am telling you where you're going to get a hit. vogeler)
go right aheadкарты в руки и вперёд (Maggie)
go right aheadфлаг тебе в руки (4uzhoj)
go right aheadвперёд (If you want to waste resources tailing some mid- level dupes, go right ahead, but I am telling you where you're going to get a hit. vogeler)
the orals should be right up your alleyговорят, язык у вас тренированный (Taras)
yeah, I'll get right on thatсейчас всё брошу и
yeah, I'll get right on thatуже бегу (с сарказмом 4uzhoj)
yeah, I'll get right on thatпрямо разбежался (4uzhoj)
yeah, I'll get right on thatага, только шнурки на валенках поглажу (4uzhoj)