
Terms containing литургия | all forms | exact matches only
relig.Антиохийская литургияAntiochene Liturgy (It is said to be the most ancient Christian liturgy. Liturgy of Saint James is based on it)
gen.божественная литургияcommunion office
Makarov.божественная литургияCommunion service
relig.Божественная ЛитургияDivine Liturgy
gen.божественная литургияcommunion
rel., christ.Божественная литургия святого Иоанна ЗлатоустогоDivine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (iglesiaortodoxa.es Andrey Truhachev)
rel., christ.выстаивать божественную литургиюstand during the Divine Liturgy (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
cleric.заупокойная литургияMass of the dead (Andrey Truhachev)
relig.заупокойная литургияMass of the Resurrection (The mass for the repose of the souls of the servants of God departed this life)
cleric.заупокойная литургияRequiem Mass (Andrey Truhachev)
cleric.заупокойная литургияRequiem (Andrey Truhachev)
cleric.заупокойная литургияMass for the dead (wikipedia.org Andrey Truhachev)
cleric.заупокойная литургияMass of the Resurrection
relig.Иерусалимо-антиохийская литургияJerusalem-Antioch Liturgy (Liturgy originally celebrated in the patriarchate of Antioch)
cleric.тж. Proper изменяемая часть литургииproper
gen.изменяемая часть литургииproper
rel., christ.Климента литургияClement liturgy
rel., cath.Конгрегация Божественной литургии и дисциплины таинствthe Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
relig.Константинопольская литургияLiturgy of Constantinople (Former name of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom)
rel., christ.литургия божественнаяdivine liturgy
relig.литургия в Англиканской церквиcommon prayer
rel., christ.литургия верныхLiturgy of the Faithful (Orthodox: wikipedia.org)
relig.литургия верныхMass of the Faithful (Catholic: wikipedia.org)
rel., christ.Литургия Иоанна ЗлатоустаDivine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (wikipedia.org Andrey Truhachev)
rel., christ.Литургия Иоанна ЗлатоустаDivine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysosto (wikipedia.org Andrey Truhachev)
rel., christ.Литургия Иоанна ЗлатоустаLiturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Andrey Truhachev)
relig.литургия каппадокийских монастырейLiturgy of the Cappadocian monasteries (Former name of the Liturgy of Liturgy of Saint Basil)
relig.литургия КлиментаClementine liturgy (The liturgy described in Apostolic Constitutions, book 8, chapters 5-15)
relig.Литургия НоксаBook of Common Order
relig.Литургия НоксаKnox's Liturgy
rel., christ.литургия оглашенныхLiturgy of the Catechumens (The instructional part of the Christian worship service, consisting of hymns, prayers, scriptural readings, and homilies, which precedes the Eucharist wikipedia.org)
relig.литургия по восточно-сирийскому чинуEast Syrian liturgy of Addai and Mari (The ancient liturgy preserved by Chaldeans which they celebrate in Syriac)
relig.Литургия правоверныхLiturgy of the Faithful (Eucharist as sacrifice mass)
relig.Литургия Преждеосвящённых ДаровPresanctified Liturgy (The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, informally the Presanctified Liturgy, is a liturgical service for the distribution of the Holy Gifts on the weekdays of Great Lent. orthodoxwiki.org)
relig.Литургия Преждеосвящённых ДаровLiturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, informally the Presanctified Liturgy, is a liturgical service for the distribution of the Holy Gifts on the weekdays of Great Lent. orthodoxwiki.org)
rel., christ.литургия преждеосвящённых даровliturgy of pre-sanctified gifts
rel., christ.литургия Преждеосвящённых даровPre-Sanctified Liturgy (olga6913)
relig.Литургия Преждеосвящённых ДаровLiturgy of the Presanctified Offerings (A service of worship in Eastern Orthodox and Eastern-rite churches in communion with Rome that is celebrated on Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent and the first three days of Holy Week)
relig.Литургия Преждеосвящённых ДаровLiturgy of the Preconsecrated Offerings
relig.литургия преждеосвящённых даровmass of the presanctified (Catholic: often cap.; abbr. "M&P" a special eucharistic service celebrated in the Latin rite on Good Friday only in which elements consecrated at a previous service are used)
cleric.литургия с пением молитв и т. п. на народные мотивыfolk mass
relig.Литургия св. Григория ПросветителяLiturgy of St. Gregory the Illuminator (Liturgy used by both Apostolic and Catholic Armenians and patterned after the Antiochene Liturgy of St. James and the Byzantine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom)
relig.Литургия св. ИаковаLiturgy of Saint James (A eucharistic service based on the Antiochene Liturgy, said to be the most ancient Christian liturgy)
rel., christ.Литургия св. Иоанна ЗлатоустогоLiturgy of St. John Chrysostom (One of the two types of liturgies fixed by canon law in the Eastern Orthodox Church in the 6th century)
relig.Литургия святителя Василия ВеликогоLiturgy of Saint Basil (One of the two types of liturgies fixed by canon law in the Eastern Orthodox Church in the 6th century, however, celebrated only 10 times during the year)
relig.Литургия святителя Григория ВеликогоLiturgy of the Preconsecrated Offerings
relig.Литургия святителя Григория ВеликогоLiturgy of Saint Gregory the Great (литургия Григория Двоеслова)
rel., christ.Литургия Святителя Иоанна ЗлатоустогоDivine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (Andrey Truhachev)
rel., christ.литургия словаliturgy of the word
relig.литургия часовLiturgical Hours (богослужение 1-го, 3-го, 6-го и 9-го часа)
relig.литургия часовLiturgy of the Hours
relig.литургия часовcanonical hours
relig.музыкальное сопровождение соответствующей части Божественной литургииoffertory (A musical composition played or sung during an offertory)
Игорь Миготслужить литургиюhold service (Потом была отслужена литургия митрополитами, архиепископами, епископами ...)
gen.погребальная литургияfuneral mass (Дмитрий_Р)
gen.преждеосвящённая литургияMass of the Presanctified
relig.сбор денег во время Божественной литургииoffertory (The period of collection and presentation of the offerings of the congregation at public worship)
Makarov.служить литургиюoffer the liturgy
relig.служить литургиюcelebrate the liturgy (thumberlina12)
Makarov.служить литургиюrecite the liturgy
Makarov.служить литургиюchant the liturgy
Игорь Мигслужить литургиюhold service
relig.совершать торжественную литургиюfeast
relig.совершение Литургииfulfillment of the liturgy