
Terms for subject Microsoft containing границы | all forms | exact matches only
временная границаtime fence
временная границаtime fence (A time interval, specified in days, that defines and limits which data are included in a master scheduling calculation)
граница области навигацииShutter Bar (The bar that replaces the Navigation Pane in Access when it is minimized)
граница области переходовShutter Bar
граница окнаwindow edge (Andy)
граница сайтаsite boundary
граница системыsystem boundary (In a use case diagram, a boundary surrounding the use cases that indicates the system. You can resize the system boundary by dragging a selection handle on the System Boundary shape)
граница словаword boundary (In regular expressions, a boundary that occurs when the current character is at the beginning of the target string and is one of the word characters A-Za-z0-9_, or when the current character position is past the end of the target string and the last character in the string is one of the word characters, or when the current character is one of the word characters and the preceding character is not, or when the current character is not one of the word characters and the preceding character is)
границы многоадресной областиmulticast boundaries (Windows 8.1 ssn)
границы печатного поляprint margins (OneNote 2013 Rori)
Границы по образцуBorder Painter (A tool that is used to apply formatting to borders in a table)
границы прокруткиscroll boundaries (The minimum and maximum scroll positions that a user can pan or scroll between. Scroll boundaries allow virtualized controls to "reserve" additional space at the beginning or end of the panning region to place new content)
коллекция "Стили границ"Border Styles gallery (A gallery of predefined and recently used formatting styles that the user can apply to borders)
локальная граница роумингаlocal roaming boundary (A roaming boundary in which the site distribution points are local (well-connected) to the Advanced Client and software packages are available locally to that client)
Настройка дополнительных параметров границы, таких как цвет и толщина линий.Explore additional border options, such as line color and line width. (Office System 2013 Rori)
Образец границыBorder Sampler (A tool used to collect the formatting of an existing table border so that it can be applied to another border)
общие границыshared borders (Page regions reserved for content that you want to appear consistently on all your web pages. Shared borders usually contain link bars – hyperlinks to the other pages in the current web site)
ограничитель границыboundary delimiter (One or more characters that identify the start or end of a boundary)
параметры границы страницыPage Border Options (Office System 2010, Word 2013 Rori)
подвижная границаmoving border (An animated border that appears around a worksheet range that has been cut or copied. To cancel a moving border, press ESC)
Подсвечивает выбранное окно с помощью мигающей границыHighlights selected window by flashing its border (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Прокрутить до нижней границыScroll Line Bottom (Andy)
пропустить границу на разрыве страницыOmit border on page break (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
реакция на границуboundary feedback (A visual indication to the user that the end of the pan-able area is reached. This feedback is provided when sliding the parent window in the direction of pan and seeing it snap back to the initial position once the finger is released. This feedback is also provided when the page is moving with some momentum, and reaches the end of the scrollable region)
Стиль границ для ячеек заголовков строк.the border style of the row header cells. (.NET Framework 4)
стиль линии границы в режиме таблицыdatasheet border line style (ssn)