
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Журнал | all forms | exact matches only
Автоматически разнести журналы при перемещении регистраций.Post journals automatically when registrations are transferred. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
агент ведения журналаjournaling agent (A compliance-focused agent that is configured to journal e-mail messages that are sent or received by departments or individuals in an Exchange Server 2007 organization, to and from recipients outside the organization, or both for use in the organization's e-mail retention or archival strategy)
агент модуля чтения журналаlogreader agent (ssn)
агент модуля чтения журнала репликацииreplication logreader agent (ssn)
агент чтения журналаLog Reader Agent (In Replication, the executable that monitors the transaction of each database configured for transactional replication, and copies the transactions marked for replication from the transaction into the distribution database)
агент чтения журналаlogreader agent (ssn)
база данных журналовlogging database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or WMSDE database that stores health monitoring and usage data temporarily, and can be used for reporting and diagnostics)
безопасный журнал событийsafe event log (Office System 2010 SP1 ssn)
бизнес-журналBusiness History Folder (A folder that contains all history items and the records they are linked to)
бизнес-журналBusiness History Log
ваучер журнала предоплатprepayment journal voucher (An amount that is paid for items or services that have not been received)
веб-справка журнала событийevent log online help (Windows 7 ssn)
ведение журналаlogging (The process of recording an audit entry in the audit trail whenever certain events occur, such as services starting and stopping or users logging on and off and accessing resources)
ведение журналаjournaling (The ability to record all communications, including e-mail communications, in an organization for use in the organization's e-mail retention or archival strategy)
ведение журнала аудитаaudit logging (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
ведение журнала данныхdata logging (Artjaazz)
ведение журнала доступа пользователейUser Access Logging (A logging feature that gathers unique client records and events for later retrieval by an administrator using WMI or PowerShell. Rori)
ведение журнала с сохранением сообщенийenvelope journaling (A type of message journaling in which the original unaltered message is included as an attachment in the journal report)
ведение журнала событийevent logging (The process of recording an audit entry in the audit trail whenever certain events occur, such as services starting and stopping or users logging on and off and accessing resources)
ведение журнала совместимостиcompatibility logging (MasterK)
ведение журнала сообщенийmessage journaling (The ability to record all communications, including e-mail communications, in an organization for use in the organization's e-mail retention or archival strategy)
ведение журнала телеметрии OfficeOffice telemetry logging (The process that populates data to the Office Telemetry Log)
ведение журнала трассировкиtrace logging (A means of capturing highly detailed information about the PerformancePoint Server system when problems occur)
виртуальный файл журналаvirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
внутренний журнал платежейintercompany payment journal (A journal that is used to post intercompany payments)
Внутренний счётчик, поддерживаемый пулом журналовInternal counter maintained by log pool (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
все разнесённые журналыall posted journals (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Выберите имя и местоположение базы данных распространителя и файлов журналовSelect the name and location of the distribution database and log files (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
выбор журнала событийselect event log (System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 ssn)
Выполняется удаление журнала событийDeleting event log (.NET Framework 4, ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
данные журнала событийevent log data (ssn)
дескриптор журналаlog handle (.NET Framework 4 ssn)
директива журналаlog directive (Information that precedes the log entries in a log file, which defines the information and format contained in each log entry. Each directive in the log file begins with the character. The directives Version (Version) and Fields (Fields) are required. The Version directive defines the version of the W3C Extended Log Format that is used, and the Fields directive specifies the data recorded in the log fields of each entry)
диспетчер уровней ведения журналаLog Level Manager (A Project Server logging infrastructure that improves efficiency by enabling admins to customize logging levels for project entities. Rori)
добавление источников журнала событийadding event log sources (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
доставка журналовlog shipping (Copying, at regular intervals, log backup from a read-write database (the primary database) to one or more remote server instances (secondary servers). Each secondary server has a read-only database, called a secondary database, that was created by restoring a full backup of the primary database without recovery. The secondary server restores each copied log backup to the secondary database. The secondary servers are warm standbys for the primary server)
доступ к журналу событийevent log access (ssn)
доступные журналы событийavailable event logs (System Center Operations Manager 2007 ssn)
единая служба ведения журналовUnified Logging Service (An instrumentation and logging platform that provides monitoring, reporting and log viewing capabilities for Office servers and services. Rori)
журнал агента репликацииreplication agent history (ssn)
журнал активовasset book (Accounting records (ledgers or journals) for a specific reporting purpose, such as financial or taxes)
журнал амортизацииdepreciation book
Журнал амортизации основных средствFixed asset depreciation book (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
журнал архивацииbackup log (Win platon)
журнал аудитаaudit log (The SQL Server database in which Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) stores data about successful and failed transactions for which auditing is enabled)
журнал аудитаaudit trail (A time-stamped record of all the changes that users make to a record. An audit trail also contains the name and identification of the user who made the change, and typically includes the reason for the change)
журнал аудитаaudit history (Information maintained about the history of an item, including all reading and editing sessions)
журнал аудита действий администратораadministrator audit log (An auditing record that records any action, based on a Windows PowerShell cmdlet, performed by an administrator. This can help the administrator troubleshoot configuration issues or identify the cause of security- or compliance-related problems)
журнал аудита почтового ящикаmailbox audit log (A log that is generated for each mailbox that has mailbox audit logging enabled. Log entries are stored in the Audits subfolder of the audited mailbox Recoverable Items folder)
журнал безопасностиsecurity log (An event log containing information on security events that are specified in the audit policy)
Журнал беседConversation History (The folder in Outlook where instant messages and phone conversations are stored)
журнал беседmessage history (A list of messages that you have sent or received)
журнал беседыConversation History
журнал бизнес-процессаworkflow log (Dynamics CRM 4.0 ssn)
журнал браузераbrowsing history (A user's private information such as temporary files, history, passwords, web form entries, and cookies that captures Internet surfing and other online activities)
журнал версийversion history (harser)
журнал восстановленияrecovery log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
журнал вызововhistory (A User Interface (UI) element that provides access to a list of dialed, received, and missed calls)
журнал выполненияrun history (A set of statistics that shows the results of a single run of a management agent)
журнал выполненияrun history (A set of statistics that shows the results of a single run of a management agent. Rori)
журнал данных использованияUsage Data History (SQL Server 2008 R2 Rori)
журнал действийaction log (A record of the actions that have been taken during the lifetime of an incident to resolve the incident. Examples include comments by the analyst, communications from the user, attachments, and task outputs)
журнал заданийjob history (Log that keeps a historical record of jobs)
журнал заданийjob history (Log that keeps a historical record of jobs. Rori)
журнал запросовquery log (Andy)
журнал запросов предложенийRFQ journal (A journal that tracks the status of RFQs)
журнал звонковphone log (The details of a phone call which may be linked with the history of an account, business contact, or opportunity)
журнал звонковCall History (A User Interface (UI) element that provides access to a list of dialed, received, and missed calls. Rori)
журнал измененийchange log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
журнал измененийresolution history (A feature that automatically tracks changes to alert fields)
журнал измененийchange journal (A feature that tracks changes to NTFS volumes, including additions, deletions, and modifications. The change journal exists on the volume as a sparse file)
журнал измененийactivity log (A historic record of the state of a source document)
Журнал изменений основных средствFixed asset changes history (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
журнал кворумаquorum log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
журнал кластераcluster log (A trace log of Cluster service events and activities on a node)
журнал контейнераcontainer log (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
журнал обозревателяbrowsing history
журнал оборудованияhardware history (Historical hardware inventory data of a client. You can browse a client's hardware history by opening its Hardware History folder in Resource Explorer)
журнал обращенийCommunication History (The section, located on the Business Contact Manager menu, that tracks interactions with customers by linking items to records)
журнал оповещений DPMDPM Alerts log (A log that stores DPM alerts as Windows events so that the alerts can be displayed in Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM))
журнал оповещенийalert history (A list of the alerts that a Windows Live Messenger customer has received)
Журнал ОСFixed asset journal (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
журнал ответов на вопросыQuestion Log
журнал отчётаreport history (A collection of previously run copies of a report)
журнал ошибокerror log (A file that lists errors that were encountered during an operation)
журнал пакетаpackage log (harser)
журнал переносаtransfer log (A log, located on the DPM server, that stores pending changes to a replica)
журнал подключенийconnection history (Andy)
Журнал поискаSearch History (A feature in Bing that shows the words you searched for and the sites you've visited, along with the date and time of your search)
журнал поискаsearch log (Enotte)
журнал построенияbuild log (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
журнал приложенийapp history (Windows 8 ssn)
журнал производной амортизацииderived depreciation book
журнал просмотра веб-страницWeb History (Windows 8, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
журнал рабочего процессаworkflow history (Office System 2010 ssn)
журнал рабочих элементовwork item log (A log that lists the current notes you are typing and the uneditable historical conversation that has already been saved. Rori)
журнал реклассификацииreclassification journal (Rori)
журнал сборкиbuild log (The recorded text output of a Visual Studio build, often indicating command lines issued and status of each step in the build process. For a C++ build, this file is called BuildLog.htm)
журнал сборкиbuild log (The recorded text output of a Visual Studio build, often indicating command lines issued and status of each step in the build process. For a C++ build, this file is called BuildLog.htm. Rori)
журнал синхронизацииsynchronization log (A hidden file, stored on a protected volume, in which the DPM File Agent records changes to data since the last synchronization job)
журнал системных событийsystem event log (Win XP platon)
журнал событий WindowsWindows event log (Windows 8 ssn)
журнал событийevent log (A record of activities on a computer system. Events can include attempts to establish communication, successful establishment of sessions, failures of system components, attempts to use files that are damaged or missing, configuration problems, and responses from remote systems)
журнал событийlog sink (A tracing function of the cache client and cache host. Log sinks capture trace events from the cache client or cache host and can display them in a console, write them to a log file, or report them to the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows)
Журнал событийRepresents an event log (Windows 8 ssn)
журнал событийevent logger (Windows 8 ssn)
Журнал СобытийEvent Viewer (ssn)
журнал событийevent logging (Andy)
журнал событий безопасности WindowsWindows security event log (platon)
журнал событий кластераcluster event log (Windows 7 ssn)
журнал событий на основе данных трассировки событий WindowsETW-based log sink (A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows)
журнал событий на основе данных трассировки событий WindowsEvent Tracing for Windows ETW-based log sink (A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows)
журнал событий на основе данных трассировки событий WindowsETW-based log sink (Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)-based log sink ssn)
Журнал событий переполненthe event log file is full (Windows Server 2008)
журнал событий приложений WindowsWindows application event log (platon)
журнал событий приложенияapplication event log (A record of activities with an application. Rori)
Журнал событий состояния связиLog Link State Event (Windows 8 ssn)
журнал совместимости приложенийApplication Compatibility Logging (Windows Server 2008, Internet Explorer 8 ssn)
журнал телеметрии OfficeOffice Telemetry Log (A feature that displays an Office event log in Excel format and helps the user to find and resolve known compatibility issues for Office files and solutions)
журнал тестаtest log (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
журнал транзакцийtransaction log (A file that records transactional changes occurring in a database, providing a basis for updating a master file and establishing an audit trail)
журнал трассировкиtrace log (The file that contains the information gathered during trace logging)
журнал трассировкиtrace logging (microsoft.com bojana)
журнал успеваемостиGradebook (A worksheet that contains the collection of grades for all students enrolled in a particular class)
журнал утвержденийapproval history (The log of approved changes made to an object)
журнал учётаaccounting journal (A journal that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events in an accounting system)
журнал учёта основных средствFixed asset journal (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
журнал электронных налоговых декларацийelectronic tax declaration log (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
журналы вариантовVariation Logs (Office System 2010 Rori)
журналы звонковcall logs (A list of incoming calls and outgoing calls, showing information such as the name of the caller or call recipient, the date and the time of the call)
журналы и оповещения производительностиPLA (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds)
журналы и оповещения производительностиPerformance Logs and Alerts (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds. Rori)
журналы очередейqueue logs (Azure Azure Ibiza PortalExp Rori)
Журналы событийEvent Sinks (Duet 1.5 ssn)
журналы событийevent logs (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
журналы событий безопасностиsecurity event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
журналы событий для сбораevent logs to collect (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
журналы событий ошибокerror event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
журналы событий сервераserver event logs (Office System 2010 ssn)
журналы событий удалённого доступаremote access event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
журналы трассировки и событийtracing and event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
журналы трассировки событийtrace event logs (ssn)
журналы трассировки событийevent trace logs (Windows 8 ssn)
журналы учёта наличных средствcash posting journals (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
задание доставки журналовlog shipping job (A job performing one of the following log-shipping operations: backing up the transaction log of the primary database at the primary server (the backup job), copying the transaction log file to a secondary server (the copy job), or restoring the log backup to the secondary database on a secondary server (the restore job). The backup job resides on the primary server; the copy and restore jobs reside on each of the secondary servers. See also: primary database, primary server, secondary database, secondary server)
Занести сообщение в журнал событийLog an event log message (Windows 8 ssn)
записи из журналов событийentries from event logs (ssn)
записывать диагностические сообщения в журнал событий Windowswrite log messages to the Windows event log (Alex_Odeychuk)
Записывать предупреждения в журнал событийSend warning to event log (Windows 8 ssn)
записывать сообщения в журнал событий Windowslog to the Windows event log (Alex_Odeychuk)
запись в журналеjournal entry (A record of the financial consequence an accounting event)
запись в журнале операцийoperations journal entry (A record of the operational and legal consequences of a resource flow event)
запись в журнале субкнигиsubledger journal entry (A journal entry in a subledger journal)
запись в журнале учётаaccounting journal entry (A record of original entry in an accounting system that records a date, one or more accounts, and the monetary value to be debited or credited to each account)
запись данных в журналdata logging (Artjaazz)
запись журналаlog entry (A record in a log file)
запись журналаjournal entry (A record of the financial consequence an accounting event)
запись по счету в журнале субкнигиsubledger journal account entry (An account entry in a subledger journal account. Rori)
запись по счёту в журнале субкнигиsubledger journal account entry (An account entry in a subledger journal account)
имя входа распространителя для агента чтения журналаdistributor login of the logreader agent (ssn)
имя журнала событийname of the event log (Windows 8 ssn)
имя и местоположение базы данных распространителя и файлов журналовname and location of the distribution database and log files (ssn)
источник журнала событийevent log source (ssn)
источники журнала событийevent log sources (ssn)
квота журналаjournal quota (For Message Queuing, a property that specifies the cumulative limit for journal messages in a journal queue. The limit is based on cumulative journal message size. When a journal queue`s quota is reached, messages are no longer stored)
класс ведения журналаlogger class (A class that implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface)
Класс журнала событий NT NPSNPS NT Event Log Class (Windows 8 ssn)
класс журнала событийevent log class (ssn)
классический журнал событийclassic event log (Windows 8 ssn)
клиентский журнал ошибок внешних подключенийtenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
конфигурация доставки журналовlog shipping configuration (A single primary server, one or more secondary servers (each with a secondary database), and a monitor server)
конфигурация журнала событийevent log configuration (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
массовое резервное копирование журналовbulk log backup
модуль чтения журналаlogreader (ssn)
модуль чтения журнала репликацииreplication logreader (ssn)
моментальный снимок журнала отчётаreport history snapshot
моментальный снимок журнала отчётаreport history snapshot (Report history that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
Настройка журналов трассировки событийConfigures trace event logs (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
Невозможно согласовать сортировку с журналом транзакций.Sort cannot be reconciled with transaction log. (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Необходимо выбрать исходный счёт для строки журналаyou must select a source account for the journal line. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
неразнесённые строки журналаNon-Posted Journal Lines (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
обычное ведение журналаbasic logging (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about the search and who performed it)
операционный журналoperational log (A log that contains information about operations carried out by a computer in the process of executing a program)
операция с журналом событийevent log operation (ssn)
определение журналовlog definition (Configuration information for a related set of log files, including the base file name that is used in the log files that are created, the logging fields that are recorded, the rollover interval, and so on)
Отключить журнал событийDisable event logging (Windows 8 ssn)
Отображение журнала событий WindowsDisplays Windows event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
Отображение журнала событийDisplays event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
отчёт журналаjournal report (The message that is generated when a message matches a journal rule. The body of the journal report contains information from the original message such as the sender e-mail address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient e-mail addresses. The journal report also includes the original unaltered message as an attachment)
Ошибка выполнения правила NativeSql 0. Она могла произойти из-за внесения изменений в структуру модели без повторного развёртывания узла модели или из-за нарушения доступа SQL или других ошибок в хранимой процедуре. Выполните повторное развёртывание узла модели и просмотрите хранимую процедуру на наличие ошибок. Точная ошибка SQL может быть получена из журнала сервераExecution of NativeSql rule 0 failed. This may have occurred because changes have been made to the model structure without redeploying the model site or because of SQL access violations or other errors in the stored proc. Try redeploying the model site and reviewing the stored proc for errors. The exact SQL error can be retrieved from the server log (PerformancePoint Server 2007 ssn)
Ошибка. Проверьте журнал событийError. Check event log (Windows 8 ssn)
ошибки журнала событийevent log errors (Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard ssn)
папка для файла журнала базы данных распространителяfolder for the distribution database log file (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
папка для файла журнала базы данных распространителя не может быть пустойfolder for the distribution database log file cannot be empty (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
папка журнала обращенийCommunication History folder (A folder, accessible from the Business Contact Manager menu, that contains all communication history items and the records they are linked to)
параметры журнала событийevent log settings (Windows 8 ssn)
параметры файла журналаLog File Settings (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
поле журналаlogging field (A location in a log entry in which a particular type of data is stored)
полное ведение журналаfull logging (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about all results that meet the search criteria)
потерянные события в журнале событийmissing events in event log (Windows 8 ssn)
почтовый ящик журналовjournaling mailbox (A mailbox used only for collecting journal reports in an Exchange Server organization)
правило журналаjournal rule (An Exchange rule that is used to record the e-mail messages sent to or from specific recipients)
при записи в журналwhen an Event Is Logged (Windows 8)
Проверить журнал событийCheck Event Log (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
проводки журнала амортизацииDepreciation book transactions (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
программа ведения журнала сбора данныхdata collection logger (Software that logs profiling data to a performance data file)
Происходит, когда агент модуля чтения журнала репликации выполняет обработку горизонтальной фильтрацииOccurs when the replication logreader agent executes a horizontal filtering proc (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
прослушиватель журналаlog listener (A component that hooks up to a log object)
Просмотр журналов событийView event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
Прочитать записи из журналов событийRead Entries from Event Logs (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
путь к файлу журналаlog file path (The location of the log file on a computer)
разнести журналыPost journals (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
разнесённые журналыposted journals (Rori)
регистрационный номер транзакции в журналеlog sequence number (A unique number assigned to each entry in a transaction log. LSNs are assigned sequentially according to the order in which entries are created)
резервная копия журналовlog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
резервная копия заключительного фрагмента журналаtail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
резервное копирование неполного журнала и массовых измененийbulk log backup (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
резервное копирование только журналовpure log backup (A backup containing only the transaction log covering an interval without any bulk changes)
Сбор данных журнала событийCollect Event log data (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
сборка ведения журналаlogger assembly (An assembly that contains a class that implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface)
системный журнал событийsystem event log (platon)
служба "Журнал событий"Event Log service (A service that records events in the system, security, and application logs)
служба журнала событийevent log service (Windows 7 ssn)
служба обработки журналов ACTACT Log Processing Service (The service that processes the log files uploaded from your client computers, adding the information to your ACT database)
Сменить знак суммы при переносе в журнал?Reverse sign for amount when inserting in journal? (Rori)
событие: очистка журналаclear log event (Windows 8 ssn)
создание источника журнала событийcreating event log source (Windows 8 ssn)
Создание промежуточных журналов состоянияProducing intermediate status logs. (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
состояние ведения журнала аудита на сервереaudit logging status on the server (Windows 8 Rori)
состояние доступа к журналу событийevent log access status (Windows 8 ssn)
состояние журналаstatus of the log (ssn)
сохранить файл журнала базы данных распространителя вstore the distribution database log file in (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
список журналаHistory list
средства ведения журналаlogging tools (microsoft.com bojana)
средства чтения журнала событийevent log readers (Windows 8 ssn)
средство ведения журналаlogger (Andy)
средство просмотра журналаfile viewer (Andy)
средство просмотра журналовlog viewer
строка журналаjournal line (An entry in a journal)
Сумма по журналу не включает налог, разноска кассы отмененаAmount in the journal does not include sales tax, cash posting has been canceled. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
таблица журналаlogging table (A system table that captures failures and other events for Access Services)
текст журнала событийevent log text (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
текущее зафиксированное состояние журналаcurrent freeze status of the log (ssn)
текущий журналcurrent log (Andy)
тип журнала событийevent log type (System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 ssn)
Типовой журнал ОСRecurring Fixed Asset Journal (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Типовой журнал учёта ОСRecurring Fixed Asset Journal (Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 Rori)
Удаление всех разнесённых журналов данного типаDelete all posted journals of this type. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
удаление источника журнала событийremoving event log source (Windows 8 ssn)
удаляет журнал агента репликации из базы данных распространителяremoves replication agent history from the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
уровень ведения журналаlog level (The amount of information that is stored in a log file for a transaction. Log levels can be represented by numbers or by words from the most to the least verbose. Rori)
учтённые журналыposted journals (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
файл журналаlog file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
файл журналаlogging file (Andy)
файл журнала базы данных распространителяdistribution database log file (ssn)
файл журнала запросовquery log file (Andy)
файл журнала транзакцийtransaction log file (A file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database. All changes to the database are recorded in the transaction log files before they are written into the database files. If a database shuts down unexpectedly, unfinished transactions can be restored by replaying the transaction log files into the database)
файлы журнала установкиsetup log files (stachel)
фильтр журналаlog filter (A set of algorithms that selectively pass the log entries that are written to log files. For example, a filter can be created to only pass log entries that contain a specific logging field with a specific value)
цепочка журналовlog chain (A continuous sequence of transaction logs for a database. A new log chain begins with the first backup taken after the database is created, or when the database is switched from the simple to the full or bulk-logged recovery model. A log chain forks after a restore followed by a recovery, creating a new recovery branch)
читатели журнала событийevent log readers (Windows 8 ssn)
Чтение всех записей журнала событийReads all event log entries (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
чтение журналаlogreader (ssn)
элемент журнала обращенийcommunication history item (An item such as an appointment, business note, e-mail message, file, or task that is linked to an Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project)