
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Глобальный | all forms | exact matches only
аудит доступа к глобальным объектамGlobal Object Access Auditing (microsoft.com bojana)
беспроводная глобальная сетьWWAN (A wireless network that connects geographically separated locations by using telecommunications services, such as satellite, radio, and mobile phone technologies)
беспроводная глобальная сетьwireless wide area network (A wireless network that connects geographically separated locations by using telecommunications services, such as satellite, radio, and mobile phone technologies)
глобальная адресная книгаglobal address book (A complete list of party records)
глобальная группаglobal group (A security or distribution group that can contain users, groups, and computers from its own domain as members. Global security groups can be granted rights and permissions for resources in any domain in the forest)
глобальная переменнаяglobal variable (A variable that is accessible from anywhere in a program)
глобальная подпискаglobal subscription (A subscription to a merge publication with an assigned priority value used for conflict detection and resolution)
глобальная процедура-обработчикglobal hook procedure (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
глобальная репликаglobal replica (A replica in which changes are fully tracked and can be exchanged with any global replica in the set. A global replica can also exchange changes with any local or anonymous replicas for which it becomes the hub)
WAN, глобальная сетьwide area network (A communications network connecting geographically separated computers, printers, and other devices. A WAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
глобальная сеть, WANWAN (A communications network connecting geographically separated computers, printers, and other devices. A WAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
глобальная темаglobal theme (A collection of control properties, stylesheets, and images that can be applied as a unit to a page or Web site to define an overall appearance)
глобальная учётная записьglobal user account (Andy)
глобальная учётная записьglobal account (In an Active Directory network, a normal user account in a user's domain)
глобальная учётная запись пользователяglobal user account (Andy)
глобальное допущениеglobal assumption (An assumption that can be referenced by all models within a PerformancePoint Server application)
глобальное значение по умолчаниюglobal default (A default that is defined for a specific database and is shared by columns of different tables)
глобальное контекстное менюglobal shortcut menu (A custom shortcut menu that replaces the built-in shortcut menu for the following objects – fields in table and query datasheets; forms and form controls in Form view, Datasheet view, and Print Preview; and reports in Print Preview)
глобальное правилоglobal rule (A rule that is defined for a specific database and is shared by columns of different tables)
глобальное сопоставлениеglobal mapping (A link translation mapping that may be applied by all web publishing rules. A global mapping may be either user-defined or automatically defined by web publishing rules)
глобальные условияglobal conditions (A setting or an expression that is used to define rules that specify how an application is deployed on client devices)
глобальный администраторglobal administrator (The chief administrator of Microsoft Online Services for a customer. The global administrator appoints any subordinate administrative roles)
глобальный администраторglobal admin (Andy)
глобальный атрибутglobal attribute (An attribute associated with a skin definition file as a whole, which can be accessed from any element)
глобальный доменный идентификаторglobal domain identifier (An identifier that specifies the country/region, the administration management domain (ADMD), and the private management domain (PRMD) of an X.400 e-mail address. For example c=us; a=MCI; p=msft)
глобальный ИДglobal ID (A unique identifier that is assigned to a data item. The identifier must be unique across all clients. A global identifier is a flexible identifier and so can be any format, but it is typically a GUID and an 8-byte prefix)
глобальный идентификаторglobal identifier (A unique identifier that is assigned to a data item. The identifier must be unique across all clients. A global identifier is a flexible identifier and so can be any format, but it is typically a GUID and an 8-byte prefix)
глобальный каталогGC (Global Catalog microsoft.com bojana)
глобальный каталогglobal catalog
глобальный корпоративный шаблонenterprise global template (A collection of default settings, such as views, tables, and fields, that are used by all projects across the organization. These settings exist within a special project in Project Server)
глобальный кэш сборокglobal assembly cache (A computer-wide code cache that stores assemblies specifically installed to be shared by many applications on the computer)
глобальный кэш сборокGAC
глобальный набор терминовglobal term set (A term set that is created by using the term store management tool. Rori)
глобальный поискglobal search (A search operation that finds a desired string or record located anywhere in an application, document, or set of files)
глобальный пользовательский интерфейсglobal user interface (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
глобальный рабочий потокglobal workflow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Глобальный режимGlobal mode (A network selection mode that enables the phone to bounce between CDMA and GSM network types)
глобальный ресурсglobal resource pointer
глобальный роумингglobal roaming (Roaming to lower-level sites, higher-level sites, and sibling sites. This roaming method requires Active Directory and the SMS/Configuration Manager Active Directory schema extensions and applies only to the Advanced Client)
глобальный список адресовglobal address list (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
глобальный список адресовGAL
глобальный список блокировки запросовGlobal Query Block List (microsoft.com bojana)
глобальный уникальный ИДglobally-unique identifier
глобальный уникальный идентификаторglobally unique identifier (A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a device, the current date and time, and a sequence number. It is used to identify a particular device, component, user, or session)
глобальный уникальный идентификаторglobal unique identifier
глобальный файлglobal file (A Project file [Global.mpt] that contains information you can use for different projects. Information in a global file can include views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, filters, toolbars, menu bars, macros, and options settings)
глобальный шаблонglobal template (An add-in that stores macros, AutoText entries, and custom toolbar, menu, and shortcut key settings that you can use while you work with documents based on any template. By default, the Normal template is a global template)
использование глобальных областейglobal scoping (microsoft.com bojana)
комбинируемые адреса глобальной одноадресной рассылкиaggregatable global unicast address (microsoft.com bojana)
не удаётся подключиться к глобальной одноранговой сетиCan't connect to the global peer-to-peer network. (Windows 8 Rori)
префикс глобальной маршрутизацииglobal routing prefix (microsoft.com bojana)
роли глобальной адресной книгиglobal address book roles (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
роль глобального администратораglobal administrator role (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to configure settings on the entire PerformancePoint Server system and on all computers running PerformancePoint Server within the system)
сервер глобального каталогаglobal catalog server (A domain controller that holds a copy of the global catalog for the forest)
синхронизация глобального списка адресовglobal address list synchronization (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
списки глобальных адресовglobal address lists (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
удалённый список глобальных адресовdeleted global address list (Exchange Server 2007 ssn)
указатель на глобальный ресурсglobal resource pointer (A resource object exposed at the site level that serves to reference a global resource being used by that site)