
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
在野生状态下灭简写为EWextinct in the wild
有严重灭危险的简写为CRcritically endangered
极高的灭危险high risk of extinction
濒临种动物endangered animal species Animals, birds, fish or other living organisms threatened with extinction by natural or human-induced changes in their environment (因为自然或人为改变生存环境,有灭绝威胁的动物、鸟类、鱼类或其他生命有机体。)
濒临种植物endangered plant species The plants threatened with extinction by human or natural changes in the environment (因为自然或人为改变生存环境,有灭绝危险的植物。)
濒临种物种endangered species IUCN, One of the three degrees of "rarity" drawn up by the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources. All plants and animals in these categories need special protection. Endangered species are those species in danger of extinction unless steps are taken to change the cause of threat and decline (国际自然资源保护联盟总结的三种"稀有"程度中的一种,在此分类下的所有动植物均需要特殊保护,除非采取措施来改变物种受威胁和减少的原因,否则濒临物种是有灭绝危险的物种。)
extinction ecological, 1. The complete disappearance of a species of plant or animal from the planet. 2. Disappearing of animals and plants from the biota (动植物物种从地球上完全消失;动植物从生态群中消失。)
物种extinct species IUCN, Animal or plant species which have completely disappeared from the planet (已经从地球上完全消失的动植物。)
thermal insulation The process of preventing the passage of heat to or from a body by surrounding it with a nonconducting material (一个不导电材料在周围防止热量从一个机构通过的过程。)
过程, 通过在人体、设备以及区域范围以绝缘材料而阻止或降低电流、热量、声音传输的过程。insulation The process of preventing or reducing the transmission of electricity, heat, or sound to or from a body, device, or region by surrounding it with a nonconducting material; process
缘材料insulating material Material that prevents or reduces the transmission of electricity, heat, or sound to or from a body, device or region (阻止或降低电流、热量、声音在人体、设备或区域间传输的材料。)
过程, 破坏微生物生活环境的行为或者过程。sterilisation process, An act or process of destroying all forms of microbial life on and in an object
sterilisation biological, Procedure by which a human or other animal is made incapable of reproduction (使得一个人或动物丧失生殖能力的手术。)