
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
介质缘层dielectric insulator layer
分布式拒服务distributed denial of service
分布式拒服务DDoS (distributed denial of service)
B 型缘子type B insulator
A 型缘子type A insulator
存取访问access denial
存取拒时间access denial time
存取拒概率access denial probability
帧拒frame reject
解除中断disarmed interrupt
服务攻击DoS denial of service
服务攻击denial of service
服务攻击denial of service attack
访问率access denial ratio
有效缘长度useful insulation distance
线匝turn insulation
常数absolute term
对亮度阈值absolute luminance threshold
对代码absolute code
对任务集absolute task set
对优先级absolute priority
对信号时延absolute signal delay
对偏差平均值mean absolute deviation
对元素absolute element
对共享区域absolute shared region
对分支absolute branch
对单位absolute unit
对单元地址absolute cell address
对单元格引用absolute cell reference
对命令absolute order
对命令absolute command
对地址absolute address
对地址汇编程序absolute address assembler
对地址装入程序absolute loader
对增益absolute gain
对安全密码unconditionally secure
对定位absolute positioning
对定位absolute location
对定位器设备absolute pointing device
对射频信道号absolute RF channel number
对平均差mean absolute deviation
对延迟absolute delay
对式旋转编码器absolute rotary encoder
对式编码器absolute encoder
对扇区absolute sector
对折射率absolute refractive index
对指令absolute instruction
对操作码absolute operation code
对放大率absolute magnification
对数据absolute data
对最大额定值absolute maximum rating
对机器代码absolute machine code
对极性absolute polarity
对格式absolute format
对模块absolute module
对段absolute section
对电平absolute level
对目标程序absolute object program
对相位absolute phase
对相移键控absolute phase shift keying
对磁导率absolute permeability
对磁导率absolute magnetic permeability
对程序absolute program
对程序段absolute segment
对程序的装入程序absolute program loader
对程序设计absolute programming
对稳定区域region of absolute stability
对稳定性absolute stability
对绘图仪控制absolute plotter control
对统一资源定位符地址absolute URL
对编码specific coding
对虚地址absolute virtual address
对表达式absolute expression
对装入模块absolute load module
对规则absolute rule
对设备absolute device
对语言absolute language
对路径absolute path
对路径名absolute path name
对轴 角光编码器absolute shaft-angle optical encoder
对链接absolute link
缘栅双极型晶体管insulated-gate bipolar transistor
缘栅场效应晶体管isolated gate field effect transistor
缘穿通距离distance through insulation
缘试验dielectric test
缘配合的惯用法conventional procedure of insulation co-ordination
良好缘子well-behaved insulator
金属缘体半导体metal-insulator semiconductor
间接对寻址indirect absolute addressing
零值缘子zero resistance insulator
预刻槽对时间absolute time in pre-groove