
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 对口 | all forms
不对称双V形坡口asymmetric double-vee groove
半V 形坡口丁字对接头焊缝single-bevel tee-butt weld
单面 J 形坡口对接焊open-single-J butt weld
单面坡口对接焊open-single-bevel butt weld
双V 形X 形坡口对接焊缝double-V butt weld
双 U 形坡口对接焊double-U butt welding
双 U 形坡口对接焊缝double-U butt weld
双U形坡口对接焊缝double-U butt weld
双面 J 形K 形坡口对接焊缝double-J butt weld
双面坡口对接焊open-double-bevel butt weld
对称炉口concentric nose section (指转炉的)
开口对接焊接头open butt weld
开式工形坡口对接焊缝open-square butt weld
开式工形对接坡口open-square butt groove
T 形双坡口对接焊缝double-bevel tee butt weld
K 形坡口对接double-bevel butt joint
K 形坡口对接焊缝double-bevel butt weld
X 形对接坡口double-vee butt groove
X 形对接坡口double-vee groove
浸人式水口对中不良poor SEN alignment (In addition, poor SEN alignment and alumina buildup on the tip may cause the SEN to contact the steel shell, and this in turn can rupture the shell and result in a breakout. 此外,浸人式水口对中不良, Al₂O₃ 在其端部积聚都可能引起浸人式水口与钢质铸坯壳搭接,从而会使坯壳破裂,导致漏钢。)
【连】 浸人式水口对称度degree of symmetry of SEN
浸人式水口精确对中accurate alignment of submerged entry nozzle
炉口对称型 LD 氧气顶吹转炉symmetric LD furnace
炉口对称的转炉concentric nose vessel
炉口对称转炉concentric-nose vessel
炉口对称转炉concentric vessel