
Terms for subject Sports containing | all forms
三级跳远的三跳顺序是一次单足跳、一次跨步跳一次跳跃The Triple Jump shall consist of a hop, a step and a jump in that order.
上届的撑竿跳冠军我们分享了动人的故事,故事的主角是一个瘦小但却热爱足球的小伙子The former pole-vault champion shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart
中华人民共国体育运动委员会Commission for Physical Culture and Sports of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共国体育运动委员会State Physical Culture and Sports Commission
中华人民共国体育运动委员会Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共国国家体育总局General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China
中国女子竞走运动员阎红、徐永久在挪威举行的国际竞走比赛中、分别以 21 分 40 秒 3 21 分 41 秒的成绩打破 5000 米场地竞走世界纪录Yan Hong and Xu Yongjiu, two Chinese women walkers, broke the world record for the women's 5000-metre track walking with a time of 21 minutes 40.3 seconds and 21 minutes 41 seconds respectively at an international walking competition held in Norway
中国选手共获得 1 枚金牌、2 枚银牌 4 枚铜牌China bagged one gold, two silver and four bronze medals
中非共CAF (National Olympic Committee)
亚洲现代五项冬季两项联合会Asian Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Confederation
今天、在美国波士顿市纽约市举行的一年一度的马拉松赛跑吸引了成千上万的长跑运动员参加比赛Today, annual marathon races in Boston and New York City attract tens of thousands of distance runners
他轻松地跳过 2.15 米、2.21 米 2.27 米He cleared the bar easily at 2. 15m, 2.21m and 2.27m
体力耐力physical strength and endurance
体温饱和压力body temperature and saturated pressure
体温与压力饱body temperature and pressure-saturated
体温与饱压力body temperature and saturated pressure
体育场地体育器材、设施是学校体育建设不可缺少的物质基础Athletic field, sports equipment and facilities are the indispensable material basis for the school sports building
体质健康physical fitness and health
体质健康测定measurement of physical fitness and health
体质健康监测physical fitness and health monitoring
体质健评价evaluation of physical fitness and health
作用力反作用力定律action-reaction law
促进promote peace
公路赛跑男女公路赛跑标准比赛距离应为 15 公里、20 公里、半程马拉松、25 公里、30 公里、马拉松42. 195 公里、100 公里公路接力赛跑The standard distances for men and women shall be 15km, 20km, Half-Marathon, 25km, 30km, Marathon 42.195 km, 100km and Road Relay
关于滑雪运动,我有一顶安全帽一双护膝For downhill snow sports, I own a helmet and a pair of kneepads
击剑运动员必须佩带护具,包括防护夹克、面罩手套Fencers must wear protective clothing including a padded jacket, a wire mesh mask and a glove
刘易斯曾是男子跳远世界冠军 8.72 米世界纪录的保持者Carl Lewis was the world champion in the men's long jump and the world record holder at 8. 72 metres
刚果共CGO (National Olympic Committee)
刚果民主共COD (National Olympic Committee)
力学的饱mechanical saturation
力的合成分解parallelogram of forces
力的总sum of forces
力量有两种类型:静力性力量动力性力量There are two types of strength, static and dynamic
动脉血氧饱arterial oxygen saturation
动脉血红蛋白氧饱arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation
北美中美洲North and Central America
北美、中美洲加勒比田径联合会North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association
北美洲、中美洲加勒比海田径联合会North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association (NACAC)
医药产品、家用产品、宝石、玩具体育用品是主要的出口品Pharmaceuticals, household goods, gems, toys, and sports goods are the leading exports
卡尔・刘易斯的助跑起跳动作the movements of Carl Lewis' approach and take-off
发令员在鸣枪前喊两个口令"各就位! ""预备!"Starter gives two commands before firing pistol On your marks! "and Set!"
另两名运动员 A B 成绩相等获得了第三次试跳机会以决定名次The two other tying athletes A and B shall have a 3rd jump-off
可是你应该先做暖身伸展运动But you should warm up first—and stretch, too
113 号 235 号运动员在比赛中成绩相等No. 113 and No. 235 tied in the competition
号码布应分别佩戴在胸前后背的明显位置The number bibs shall be worn visibly on the breast and back
game all
seesaw game
game ended in a draw
dead heat
平,友谊,进步。Peace, Friendship, and Progress.
…并列stand side by side with
…并列share with
seesaw game
球!裁判用语Yes let! squash
球不成立裁判用语Not let! squash
国家或地区奥林匹克委员会名称代号National Olympic Committees
国际举重健身联合会Fédération internationale haltérophile et culturiste; International Weightlifting and Physical Culture Federation
国际健康、体育休闲理事会International Council on Health, Physical Education and Recreation
k国际划艇皮艇运动联合会Federation Internationale de Canoe et Kaya
国际柔道柔术联合会International Judo and Jiu-Jitsu League
国际港湾快艇登陆艇联合会Federation Internationale de Strand et Land Yachting
国际脑瘫人体育休闲运动协会Cerebral Palsy International Sports and Recreation Association
国际露营旅行队联合会Federation Internationale de Camping et de Caravanning
国际露营皮艇运动联合会Federation Internationale de Camping et Kayak
圣基茨尼维斯SKN (National Olympic Committee)
圣多美普林西比STP (National Olympic Committee)
圣文森特格林纳丁斯VIN (National Olympic Committee)
在 100 米、200 米 400 米短跑中、8 名运动员从起跑器冲岀后、沿着跑道向前飞奔、躯体必须通过终点才能获胜In 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters sprints, eight runners burst from starting blocks and run forward inside their lanes. Torso must cross the finishing line to win
在 3000 米障碍赛跑途中要跨越 28 个栏架 7 个水池A steeple chase of 3000 metres includes 28 hurdle jumps and 7 water jumps
在接力赛跑时、赛跑运动员可采用两种基本接棒方法: 盲接法视接法In relay races, runners employ two basic baton-passing methods: the blind pass and the visual pass
在撑竿跳高跳高比赛中、运动员仅在胸前或后背佩戴一块号码布In the pole vault and high jump events, one number bib may be worn on the breast or back only
在跳跃投掷项目中、最终速度腾空和脱手瞬间的速度是非常重要的In jumping and throwing events, final speed speed at the moment contact is broken is of utmost concern
在跳高撑竿跳高比赛中、任何一名运动员连续3次试跳失败将被取消比赛资格In the high jump and pole vault, any competitor with three consecutive unsuccessful trials is eliminated
在这些赛事中,随机将红色的护具运动装束分配给运动员In those events, the athletes were randomly assigned red protective gear and other sportswear
外源性内源性的糖extrinsic and intrinsic sugar
外面有几个篮球筐一对生锈的金属双杠Outside there are a handful of basketball hoops and a set of rusty metal parallel bars
大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers
天时地利人favourable objective and subjective factors for success
女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯汤普森不少镜头Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.
女子五项全能七项全能women pentathlon and heptathlon (注释:l.国际田联承认的男子全能纪录有七项和十项全能,女子全能纪录有五项和七项全能 2. 五项全能、七项全能和十项全能,英文第一个字母不需要大写。有时为了突出某个项目时,可以大写,通常用于小标题和规则中)
如果你没有足够的空间塞进一双跑鞋,而你又住在空旷的地方,赤脚跑步会对你的骨骼形体更加有好处If you don't have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form
安提瓜巴布达ANT (National Olympic Committee)
完全饱full saturation
室内体育场应是四周有围墙、顶部有覆盖的体育场、应为室内比赛提供符合条件的照明、供暖通风设备The indoor stadium shall be completely enclosed and covered. Lighting, heating and ventilation shall be provided to give satisfactory conditions for indoor competitions
对很多人来讲,体育馆健身房还是新鲜事物,因此,需要教会人们如何使用健身器材以及锻炼方法For many people, gyms are new and unchartered territory, so there is a need to educate people on the proper use of gym equipment and fitness regimes
少年男子女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 16 或 17 周岁者Youth Boys and Girls: Any athlete of 16 or 17 years on 31st December in the year of the competition
尖锐波慢波的综合波脑电波sharp and slow wave complex
平等、发展、平。Equality, Development, Peace.
应根据运动员前一赛次的名次成绩排序分组Seeding shall be based upon placings and times of each previous round
径赛项目运动员的排序、抽签录取Seedings, Draws and Qualification in Track Events
恢复脉搏总recovery pulse sum
我的朋友参加体育运动,如网球、羽毛球和游泳My friend and I take part in sports like tennis, badminton and swimming
扶持发展体育竞赛表演业体育用品产业Support and develop the athletic competition performance industry and sports goods manufacturing industry
技能学习发展motor learning and development
操纵制动鞋钉spike for steering and braking
收缩总summation of contraction
整体部分学习whole and part learning
时间总temporal summation
权限职责power and duty
台球戏cue-and-ball games
李宁开始动手修改典型的制服,增加了迷你裙,合身的衬衫其他元素Li Ning has begun tinkering with the typical uniform, adding miniskirts, fitted shirts and other elements
标准距离长距离铁人两项世界锦标赛standard and long-distance duathlon world championships
核对成绩名次check the results and placing
检录裁判员应确保运动员服装提包上的广告必须符合国际田联的规则和规定The Call Room Judges shall ensure that advertising on clothing and athletes' bags must comply with IAAF Rules and Regulations (注释:1. advertising 广告通常作集合名词使用,是不可数名词;all advertising, a great deal of advertising; 2. 广告通常用 advertisement 是可数名词; 广告牌 bill board; 在报上登广告 place advertisements in the newspaper; 广告栏 columns of advertisements; 第二种用法在国际田联规则中很少见)
弹子cue-and-ball games
氧饱oxygen saturation
氧饱曲线oxygen saturation curve
氧饱系数oxygenate coefficient
波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那BIH (National Olympic Committee)
爆发力是力量速度的结合Explosive force is a combination of strength and speed
特立尼达多巴哥TRI (National Olympic Committee)
现在已经有很多时装品牌打入了诸如奥运会、温布尔登网球公开赛美国公开赛等体育赛事We are seeing fashion brands getting more and more involved in sports like the Olympics, Wimbledon or the U. S. Open
田赛项目包括跳跃项目跳高、跳远、三级跳远、撑竿跳高等投掷项目铅球、链球、铁饼、标枪等The field events include jumping events high jumpˌ long jump、triple jump、and pole vault and throwing events shot put, hammer, discus and javelin throw
男子 110 米栏跨栏技术的发展改进与栏架变革、科技进步及竞争激烈密切相关The development of male 110-meter hurdle race technique is closely related with the reform of the hurdle, scientific progress and fierce competition
男子七项全能十项全能men heptathlon and decathlon
矢量sum vector
确保活动适合个人年龄并提供护具,例如头盔护膝Ensure that the activity is age- appropriate and provide protective equipment such as helmets and knee pads
空间总spatial summation
精心执行动作独特性假说elaboration and distinctiveness hypothesis
线冲量动量原理principle of linear impulse and momentum
维生素 C 饱水平试验vitamin C saturation test
美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
美国健康、体育休闲协会American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
美国汽车比赛记者广播员协会American Auto Racing Writers and Broadcasters Association
美国现代五项运动两项运动协会United States Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Association
美国食物营养委员会Food and Nutrition Board
耐克是美国主要的运动服装体育器材供应商Nike is a major sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States
耦合力力矩coupling forces and torques
蝶泳自由泳交替游fly-free alternating
血氧饱oxygen saturation of blood
血氧饱oxyhemoglobin saturation
血红蛋白氧亲hemoglobin -oxygen affinity
越野公路赛跑委员会Cross Country and Road Running Committee
跑速的另外两个方面是"平均速度""最终速度"Two other aspects of running speed are average speed and final speed
跳、引体向上跑测验jumping, chining and running test
跳高运动员朱建华在 1983 年先后创造了 2.37 米 2.38 米两次男子跳高世界纪录High jumper Zhu Jiɑnhuɑ broke the world men's high jump record twice in 1983 by clearing 2.37 and 2.38 metres
这位教练员强调快速助跑快速起跳相结合This coach emphasizes the combination of a fast run-up approach and a quick take-off
遗忘重建假说forgetting and reconstruction hypothesis
长跑比赛需要有很高的心理身体素质Distance race requires high mental and physical qualities
需要国际田联批准的比赛是:世界、地区多国集团锦标赛World, Area and Group Championships: Meetings requiring an IAAF Permit (注释:meeting 是运动会,比赛的通称。它所指的通常不是某个(几个)特定的运动会或比赛)
青年男子女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 18 或 19 周岁者Junior Men and Women: Any athlete of 18 or 19 years on 31st December in the year of the competition
静力学运动学的二重性duality of statics and kinematics
非饱脂肪酸unsaturated fatty acid
现象saturated phenomenon
训练saturation training