
Terms containing kernel | all forms | exact matches only
math.adaptive kernel estimationadaptiivne tuumhindamine
math.covariance kernelkovariatsioonituum
comp., MSkernel debuggertuumasilur (A debugging application that refines and debugs an operating system image. The kernel debugger works like an application debugger except that it is capable of debugging operating systems in addition to applications)
math.kernel estimatetuumhinnang
math.kernel estimatortuumhinnang
comp., MSkernel exceptiontuumaerand (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
comp., MSkernel exception signaturetuumaerandi signatuur (The exception code, exception parameters, and operating system version (including build number and Service Pack version))
comp., MSkernel faulttuumatõrge (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
comp., MSkernel-mode driversüsteemirežiimi draiver (A driver for a logical, virtual, or physical device)
comp., MSkernel mode exceptiontuumrežiimi erand (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
comp., MSkernel profilingtuuma profiilimine (The process of analyzing kernel calls by recording all call times, including minimum, maximum, and average times)
gen.palm kernel cakepalmituumakook
gen.palm kernel expellerpalmituumakook
math.stochastic kernelstohhastiline tuum