
Terms containing garden of Eden | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
relig.garden of EdenЭдем
relig.garden of Edenсад Едемский (Biblical earthly paradise inhabited by Adam and Eve, prior to their expulsion for disobeying the commandments of God. Gn:2:15)
relig.garden of edenсад Эдемский
relig.garden of Edenземной рай
relig.garden of EdenЭдемский сад
Makarov.Garden of Edenрайский сад
relig.Garden of Edenсад Яхве
GruzovikGarden of Edenрай
gen.locate the Garden of Eden in Babyloniaполагать, что Эдем находился где-то в Вавилонии
rel., christ.the Garden of Edenэдемский сад
ironic.the garden of Edenрайские кущи (Taras)