
Terms containing disturbance of peace | all forms | in specified order only
lawcause a disturbance of the peaceнарушать спокойствие (Vladokr)
polit.disturbance of peaceнарушение мира (ssn)
lawdisturbance of public peaceнарушение общественного порядка (§ 97-3 Disturbance of public peace. No person shall disturb, tend to disturb or aid in disturbing the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive or obstreperous conduct, and no person shall knowingly permit such conduct upon any premises owned or possessed by him or her or under his or her control. ecode360.com)
lawdisturbance of the peaceнарушение общественного порядка (Disturbance (or breach) of the peace is a generic term encompassing a variety of conduct that violates public order, disturbs the public, or incites violence, including any violation of any law enacted to preserve peace and good order. It is a criminal offense recognized under common law and various statutes. cornell.edu Alexander Demidov)
lawdisturbance of the public peaceнарушение общественного порядка