
Terms for subject Microsoft containing definition | all forms | exact matches only
abstract application definitionабстрактное определение приложения (The abstract type of an application, which defines common characteristics of a class of applications. Rori)
abstract definitionабстрактное определение (The definition of a class of (concrete) definitions, which describes characteristics common to all instances of the abstract definition)
abstract endpoint definitionабстрактное определение конечной точки (The abstract type of an endpoint, which defines common characteristics of a class of endpoints. Examples include, Web Site Endpoint, Http Client Endpoint, Http Server Endpoint)
abstract server definitionабстрактное определение сервера (The abstract type of an application server, which defines common characteristics of a class of logical application servers including the set of supported abstract endpoint definitions. Rori)
AntiSpyware definitionопределение антишпионской программы
application definitionопределение приложения (A design-time description of an "atomic" deployable application layer system that offers and/or consumes services)
application definition fileфайл определения приложения
BAM Definitionопределение BAM (An XML document that describes business activities and business views)
build definitionопределение сборки (A set of 1. build activities and 2. the conditions under which the workflow is activated, that together build a single solution or a set of solutions in a team project)
Code Definition windowокно определения кода (A read-only editor view that displays the definition of a symbol in a code file stored in, or referenced by, the active project)
cube definitionопределение кубов (Information, stored by the OLAP Cube Wizard in an .oqy file, that defines how to construct an OLAP cube in memory using data retrieved from a relational database)
custom definitionпользовательское определение (Andy)
cycle definitionопределение цикла (Essentially, a template used to create cycle instances. Any edits to the cycle definition are applied to every subsequently-created cycle instance that is based on that cycle definition)
data definitionопределение данных (The attributes, properties, and objects in a database)
data definition languageязык DDL (A language that defines all attributes and properties of a database, especially record layouts, field definitions, key fields, file locations, and storage strategy)
data definition languageязык описания данных DDL (A language that defines all attributes and properties of a database, especially record layouts, field definitions, key fields, file locations, and storage strategy)
data-definition queryзапрос определения данных (An SQL-specific query that contains data definition language (DDL) statements. These statements allow you to create or alter objects in the database)
definition fileфайл определения (Andy)
Definition file typeТип файла определений (Andy)
definitions calloutвыноска с определениями (A callout that is invoked through contextual UI to display reference data, such as definitions and synonyms, for the word selected)
device definitionхарактеристики устройства (The characteristics of a device available through the MobileCapabilities class and the DeviceSpecific control)
document type definitionопределение типа документа (bojana)
event alert definitionопределение условий предупреждений о событиях (ssn)
event definitionsопределения события (Windows 8 ssn)
federated location definitionопределение федеративного расположения (The configuration settings that describe how to issue a query for a given federated location and display the search results. Rori)
generic type definitionопределение универсального типа (определение типа с параметрами, которые используются в этом определении в качестве местозаполнителей для типов, задаваемых пользователем при создании экземпляра. Этот экземпляр является экземпляром не универсального типа, а конкретного сконструированного типа, образованного в результате подстановки аргументов типа в определение универсального типа ssn)
high-definition multimedia interfaceспецификация HDMI (A digital interface specification for delivering digital content and connecting consumer electronic devices)
High-Definition Televisionтелевидение высокой чёткости (A type of television that provides much higher resolution, sharpness, sound quality, and picture quality than traditional televisions. HDTVs can usually be used as computer monitors)
interface definition fileфайл определений интерфейса (microsoft.com Lerych)
interface definitionsопределения интерфейсов (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
item-level role definitionопределение роли на уровне элемента (A security template that defines a role used to control access to or interaction with an item in the report server folder namespace)
job definitionопределение задания (A persistent container that defines and stores instructions for a job to be run on a server, server farm, or server cluster. To run, a job must have an associated job definition, and a definition must be associated with a service or a Web application)
kind of the definitionтип определения (ssn)
Location Definition FileФайл определения расположения (Andy)
log definitionопределение журналов (Configuration information for a related set of log files, including the base file name that is used in the log files that are created, the logging fields that are recorded, the rollover interval, and so on)
Microsoft Interface Definition Languageязык MIDL (Microsoft implementation and extension of the Interface Definition Language (IDL))
Model Definition FileФайл определения модели (Andy)
Office compatibility definition fileфайл с данными о совместимости для Office (A file that stores information about compatibility issues and workarounds and makes it available to the Office Telemetry Log and Office Telemetry Dashboard)
package definition fileфайл определения пакета
partial-type definitionопределение частичного типа (The definition of a class across mulitple source files)
Project Definitionопределение проекта (Andy)
property definitionопределение свойства (The characteristics or properties that define how a property is used and interpreted. The group of properties that forms a property definition is stored in a dictionary. Rori)
Reading definition fileЧтение файла определений (Andy)
report definitionопределение отчёта (The blueprint for a report before the report is processed or rendered. A report definition contains information about the query and layout for the report)
Report Definition FileФайл определения отчёта (Andy)
Report Definition Languageязык определения отчётов (A set of instructions that describe layout and query information for a report. RDL is composed of XML elements that conform to an XML grammar created for Reporting Services)
role definitionопределение роли (The collection of task permissions associated with a role)
Semantic Model Definition Languageязык определения семантических моделей (A set of instructions that describe layout and query information for reports created in Report Builder. Rori)
server definitionопределение сервера (The definition of a logical application server)
service definition fileCSDEF-файл (The file that defines the service model for the application, which includes the roles that comprise a hosted service, the service endpoints, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints. The service model cannot be changed once the service is deployed and running)
service definition fileфайл определения службы (The file that defines the service model for the application, which includes the roles that comprise a hosted service, the service endpoints, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints. The service model cannot be changed once the service is deployed and running. Rori)
skin definition fileфайл определения обложки
snapshot definitionопределение моментального снимка (A collection of settings required to produce a snapshot, including user credentials, filter criteria, parameters, and schedule information)
system definitionопределение системы (The definition of a system)
system role definitionопределение системной роли (Role definition that conveys site-wide authority)
Tuple definitionопределение кортежа (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
Virus and spyware definitions are out of date.Определения вирусов и программ-шпионов устарели (Windows 8.1 Rori)
WMI event alert definitionОпределение условий предупреждений о событиях WMI (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
workflow definitionопределение рабочего процесса (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
workflow definitionопределение бизнес-процесса (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
XML schema definition languageязык определения схемы XML (The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard language used for creating XML schema documents. The XML schema contains two parts: a set of predefined types (for example, string, dateTime, decimal), and an XML language for defining new types (for example, complexType, minOccurs, element))