
Terms containing breach peace | all forms | in specified order only
notar.breach of peaceнарушение мира (UN charter)
busin.breach of peaceнарушение общественного порядка
notar.breach of the peaceнарушение общественного порядка и спокойствия
lawbreach of the peaceнарушение общественного порядка (Breach of the peace is a generic phrase to describe a criminal offense that violates the public peace or order. Since numerous criminal offenses can be perceived as a violation of the public peace, this phrase is usually used to describe the offense of disorderly conduct. cornell.edu)
gen.breach of the peaceнарушение общественного порядка
crim.law.breach peaceнарушать общественный порядок (VPD received three 9-1-1 calls on Nov. 25 about a man with a knife in the yards of three different homes in South Vancouver. "Our officers responded, located the man, and took him into custody for 'breaching the peace,' she writes. "Officers noticed that the man appeared to be impaired by drugs ..." -- за нарушение общественного порядка nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
media.breach peaceнарушать мир (bigmaxus)
polit.to breach the peaceнарушать мир (ssn)
polit.to commit a breach of peaceнарушать мир (ssn)
Makarov.commit a breach of the peaceнарушить общественный порядок
dipl.commit breach of peaceнарушить мир