
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing all of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
All bent out of shapeраздражённый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeразгневанный (Interex)
All bent out of shapeогорчённый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeсердитый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeрасстроенный (Upset or angry. Interex)
all of the things that we hold dearвсё, что нам дорого (“When America stands for principles, and all of the things that we hold dear, it requires sometimes for us to put ourselves out there in a way that maybe we will incur some cost,” Harris said. “In this situation, that may relate to energy costs.” theguardian.com 4uzhoj)