
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Eating | all forms | exact matches only
be eating the worldправить бал (Alex_Odeychuk)
cat that ate the canaryпритворное безразличие (Interex)
cat that ate the canaryпритворная беззаботность (Interex)
cat that ate the canaryпритворная непринуждённость (Interex)
cat that ate the canaryудовлетворённый (Interex)
cat that ate the canaryчопорный (Interex)
cat that ate the canaryпритворная беспечность (Interex)
dog eat dogчеловек человеку волк (именно eat, не eats! В.И.Макаров)
eat and runперекусить (You have to eat and run if you want to be in time for the show. langwitch.ru younenari)
eat and runбыстро поспешно поесть (You have to eat and run if you want to be in time for the show. langwitch.ru younenari)
eat one's cake and have it tooпытаться совместить несовместимое (If you try to eat your cake and have it too, you will never gain anything in life. langwitch.ru younenari)
eat one's cake and have it tooпреследовать две взаимно исключающие цели (If you try to eat your cake and have it too, you will never gain anything in life. langwitch.ru younenari)
eat for breakfastубить (Andrey Truhachev)
eat for breakfastуничтожать (Andrey Truhachev)
eat for breakfastсъесть заживо (Andrey Truhachev)
eat for breakfastстереть в порошок (My boss would eat me for breakfast if I asked for more money Andrey Truhachev)
eat for breakfastубивать (Andrey Truhachev)
eat for breakfastуничтожить (Andrey Truhachev)
eat humble pieвзять свои слова обратно (в контексте; to admit that one has been wrong and apologize: The Queen's Press secretary was forced to eat humble pie yesterday and publicly apologize to the duchess. 4uzhoj)
eat humble pieунизительно извиняться
eat like a birdкушать как птичка (Andrey Truhachev)
eat someone's lunchпобедить (кого-л. Kostya Lopunov)
eat someone's lunchпревзойти (кого-л. Kostya Lopunov)
eat muesliне хер собачий и не закусон, вести правильный образ жизни (shapker)
eat oneselfнакрутить себя (All Pinot had to do was ride a strong tempo, keep control of Cepeda and Einer Rubio, and he would have won the sprint, but predictably he didn’t. The opposing directeurs sportifs behind the trio pressed the right buttons and Pinot ate himself. Rubio watched the drama between his fellow escapees bickering and suitably thanked them for their antics by winning. multilinguist)
eat the windпогулять (To take a walk. Interex)
eat upполностью довериться (To believe entirely Interex)
eat one's wordsзабрать свои слова обратно (Andrey Truhachev)
eat your own dog foodопробовать продукт на себе (метод тестирования изделия/продукта самой компанией, которая его произвела, с целью убедить потенциальных покупателей в его безопасности, высоком качестве и т.д. MacMurphy)
have one's cake and eat itпытаться совместить несовместимое
have one's cake and eat itусидеть на двух стульях (It's rarely possible to have one's cake and eat it.)
have cake and eat itи рыбку съесть, и косточкой не подавиться (wordsbase)
have one's cake and eat itи рыбку съесть, и на хуй сесть
have cake and eat it tooИ кашу сварить, и молоком не обжечься (wordsbase)
have cake and eat it tooИ на коне поскакать, и на стройку не опоздать (wordsbase)
have cake and eat it tooи яйца варить, и руки не обжечь (wordsbase)
have one's cake and eat it tooи рыбку съесть, и на два стула сесть (wordsbase)
have one's cake and eat it tooи рыбку съесть, и на хуй сесть (wordsbase)
He who's fleet gets to eatкто смел, тот и съел (norasfavorov)
look like the cat that ate the canaryвыглядеть очень довольным (Азери)
look like the cat that ate the canaryиметь довольный вид (Азери)
make someone eat crowзаставить кого-либо признать ошибку или взять назад свои слова (younenari)
so clean you can eat off the floorочень чисто (younenari)
the proof of the pudding is in the eatingне поймёшь, пока не попробуешь (Andrey Truhachev)
the proof of the pudding is in the eatingпока не попробуешь-не поймёшь (Andrey Truhachev)
the proof of the pudding is in the eatingне узнаёшь, пока не попробуешь (Andrey Truhachev)
the proof pudding is in the eatingне попробуешь, не узнаешь
want to have one's cake and eat itхотеть получить всё и сразу