
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Seregaboss: 177  <<

21.03.2024 11:16:46 gen. circa cir.
14.12.2023 21:28:37 abbr. econ. CISG United Nations Convention On Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Конвенция ООН о договорах международной купли-продажи товаров (Венская конвенция 1980 года) wikipedia.org)
26.07.2023 22:45:21 abbr. econ. ATA Admission Temporaire
26.07.2023 22:45:21 abbr. econ. ATA Temporary Admission
6.06.2023 14:39:52 abbr. oil MAC maximal allowable concentration
28.09.2022 16:13:55 abbr. econ. A Australian dollar
23.09.2022 16:10:49 econ. mo. monthly
23.09.2022 16:10:49 econ. mo. montn
23.05.2016 17:15:30 abbr. econ. P.P. per procurationem
abbr. econ. B.S. British standard
abbr. econ. C.N. credit note
econ. a.m. ante meridiem
abbr. econ. A.W.B. air waybill
econ. ads advertisement
econ. adsd addressed
abbr. Al first-class
econ. arrvl arrival
econ. arts article
econ. b'dle bundle
econ. b.h.p. brake horse-power
abbr. econ. BCL Bank Comfort Letter
econ. c.ft. cubic feet
econ. c.ft. cubic foot
econ. c.i.f. and c. cost, insurance, freight and commission
abbr. econ. C.O.D. cash collect on delivery
econ. cc. copies
abbr. econ. CCI Chamber of Commerce and Industry
econ. Cel Celsius
econ. cf. confer
econ. chges charges
econ. cir. circa
econ. cmb. embargo
abbr. econ. CMEA former Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
abbr. CRD U.S Army Chemical Research
econ. cts. centimes
econ. cub. cubic
econ. cu.ft. cubic foot (cubic feet)
abbr. Cy. company
econ. d/s ... days aftersight
econ. dec. decimetre
econ. deg.cent. degrees Centigrade
econ. elctr. electrical
econ. elctr. electricity
econ. etc. et cetera
econ. expn. expiration
econ. f.e. for example
abbr. econ. F.O.Q. free on the quay
econ. fact factory (factories)
abbr. econ. G.M. general manager
abbr. econ. G.R.T. gross register tons
abbr. gas.proc. GGTN Russian body, owner of pressure regulations
abbr. GRE pipe glass reinforced epoxy
abbr. econ. H.Q. headquaters
econ. h.v. high voltage
abbr. econ. I.H.P. indicated horsepower
abbr. Ib. pound
abbr. Ibs. pounds
abbr. oil ICP individual construction permit
econ. imp. bu. imperial bushel
econ. imp. gal. imperial gallon
econ. inc. inclusive
abbr. econ. IOU owe you
abbr. oil ITP inspection and test plan
econ. kilom. kilometre
abbr. KW/h kilowatt-hours
abbr. econ. L.S. left side
econ. lkg. & bkg. leakage and breakage
abbr. gas.proc. M,C,E,I Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation disciplines
abbr. oil MAD maximal allowable discharge
econ. mg. milligram
econ. mill. million
econ. mnfr manufacture
econ. n.r. net register
econ. n.r.t. net register tonnage
abbr. NEMA National Electrical Manufactures' Association
econ. nom. cap. nominal capacity
abbr. econ. O.D. on demand no
econ. p.c. percent
abbr. econ. P.O.B. post-office box
econ. p/c prices current
econ. paras paragraph
econ. paymt payment
gen. paym't payment
econ. pel. parcel
abbr. Per an. per annum
econ. per pro. per procurationem no
abbr. gas.proc. PIM Project Information Memorandum
econ. pro. tem. pro tempore
econ. prs. pairs
econ. qv quodvide
econ. r.h.p. rated horse-power
econ. r/p return of post
econ. reed. received
econ. remy referring to my
econ. rets receipts
econ. revs per min. revolutions per minute
abbr. Rs. rupees
econ. S. & H. exc. Sundays and holidays excepted
econ. s. shilling
abbr. oil SSEEC State sanitary-epidemiological expertise center

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