
 English thesaurus - terms added by user denghu: 73

29.08.2018 15:26:33 bible.term. there but for the grace of God there but for the grace of God go I
10.05.2010 19:23:37 abbr. Equivalent Air Depth EAD (дайвинг)
10.05.2010 18:26:24 abbr. MOD maximum operating depth
10.05.2010 18:23:37 abbr. EAD Equivalent Air Depth (дайвинг)
30.01.2010 23:20:04 poetic 'twas it was
8.07.2009 19:21:44 abbr. Old Norse O.N.
8.07.2009 19:17:19 abbr. ling. West Germanic W.Gmc.
8.07.2009 18:21:44 abbr. O.N. Old Norse
8.07.2009 18:17:19 ling. W.Gmc. West Germanic
6.07.2009 23:51:11 abbr. Old Church Slavonic O.C.S.
6.07.2009 23:50:19 abbr. Proto-Germanic P.Gmc.
6.07.2009 23:47:27 abbr. ling. Germanic Gmc.
6.07.2009 22:51:11 abbr. O.C.S. Old Church Slavonic
6.07.2009 22:50:19 abbr. P.Gmc. Proto-Germanic
6.07.2009 22:47:27 ling. Gmc. Germanic
28.05.2008 18:53:22 abbr. fin. J pound (обозначение британского фунта на письме - эквивалентно перечеркнутой L; sterling)
28.05.2008 18:53:22 abbr. fin. J pounds (sterling)
16.05.2008 16:52:01 abbr. fr. la Federation Internationale de Sport Universitaire FISU
16.05.2008 15:52:01 abbr. fr. FISU la Federation Internationale de Sport Universitaire
10.04.2008 13:45:11 abbr. bible.term. the King James Version of the Bible KJV
10.04.2008 12:45:11 abbr. bible.term. KJV the King James Version (of the Bible)
7.04.2008 3:16:29 abbr. bible.term. helpmeet help meet
7.04.2008 2:16:29 bible.term. help meet helpmeet
8.03.2008 1:21:16 abbr. Kuala Lumpur KL (столица Малайзии)
2.03.2008 3:09:27 abbr. freeload free-load
2.03.2008 2:09:27 gen. free-load freeload
16.02.2008 22:23:33 abbr. inet. OP original poster (a person who starts a new thread to post their question on the Internet)
17.01.2008 20:33:46 abbr. Knight of the Road hobo (U.S.)
5.11.2007 0:17:10 abbr. polit. Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK
4.11.2007 23:17:10 abbr. polit. PKK Kurdistan Workers' Party
29.10.2007 19:13:19 inet. pm private message
21.10.2007 16:56:07 abbr. arts. art dealer dealer
21.10.2007 15:56:07 arts. dealer art dealer
6.09.2007 4:13:56 abbr. fly swatter fly swat
6.09.2007 3:13:56 gen. fly swat fly swatter
30.08.2007 2:54:01 abbr. International Association of Athletics Federations IAAF
30.08.2007 1:54:01 abbr. IAAF International Association of Athletics Federations
26.08.2007 23:15:47 abbr. inet. cybersquatter cyber-squatter
26.08.2007 22:15:47 inet. cyber-squatter cybersquatter
25.07.2007 18:19:20 abbr. boatswain’s chair bosun chair
25.07.2007 17:19:20 gen. bosun chair boatswain's chair
1.07.2007 20:59:59 abbr. slang afternoon afty (UK slang)
1.07.2007 20:58:17 abbr. slang afternoon afto (UK slang)
1.07.2007 19:59:59 slang afty afternoon (UK slang)
1.07.2007 19:58:17 slang afto afternoon (UK slang)
15.06.2007 3:21:59 abbr. slang $1000 g-spot (slang)
15.06.2007 2:21:59 slang g-spot $1000 (slang)
6.02.2007 21:54:08 abbr. rel., christ. altar boy alter boy
6.02.2007 20:54:08 rel., christ. alter boy altar boy
19.12.2006 3:12:49 abbr. bot. gold-thread goldthread (Coptis Trifolia)
19.12.2006 2:12:49 bot. goldthread gold-thread (Coptis Trifolia)
17.12.2006 2:27:05 abbr. wifebeater wife-beater
17.12.2006 1:27:05 gen. wife-beater wifebeater
15.12.2006 15:31:45 abbr. scient. COSRIMS Committee on Support of Research in the Mathematical Sciences
12.11.2006 20:55:19 abbr. fin. Straits Times Index STI (the Singapore Stock Exchange)
24.10.2006 0:46:45 abbr. swimming cap swim cap
23.10.2006 23:46:45 gen. swim cap swimming cap
20.08.2006 16:03:24 abbr. sport. FIVB the International Volleyball Federation (французская аббревиатура)
20.08.2006 16:00:47 abbr. fr. FIVB Federation Internationale de Volleyball (Международная федерация волейбола)
29.07.2006 17:57:40 abbr. mil., navy French Ship FS (перед названиями военных кораблей ВМФ Франции)
29.07.2006 16:57:40 abbr. mil., navy FS French Ship (перед названиями военных кораблей ВМФ Франции)
24.07.2006 20:21:09 abbr. tightrope walker tight rope walker
24.07.2006 19:21:09 gen. tight rope walker tightrope walker
12.07.2006 13:34:37 abbr. fin. Normal Market Size NMS (на Лондонской фондовой бирже)
11.07.2006 1:40:16 abbr. fin. shekel sheqel (альтернативный вариант написания "шекель")
11.07.2006 0:40:16 fin. sheqel shekel (альтернативный вариант написания "шекель")
7.07.2006 3:10:21 abbr. lab.law. the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations AFL-CIO
7.07.2006 2:10:21 abbr. lab.law. AFL-CIO the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
6.07.2006 14:41:19 abbr. fin. accrual accrual charge
6.07.2006 14:27:25 abbr. lab.law. estimated man-months emm
6.07.2006 13:41:19 fin. accrual charge accrual
6.07.2006 13:27:25 lab.law. emm estimated man-months
6.07.2006 13:25:26 abbr. fin. ARR accounting rate of return