
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ZalinaSpeaks: 10

24.06.2022 16:55:42 gen. imminent неминуемый (the imminent threat of invasion The system is in imminent danger of collapse. An announcement about his resignation is imminent. An attack seems imminent. oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)
6.04.2022 17:12:16 fig.of.sp. smell funny странно пахнуть (This place smells funny. reverso.net)
24.01.2022 17:24:31 ling. contrary to appearances несмотря на внешнюю видимость (Contrary to appearances, and despite the widely held view that South America is an example of successful racial integration, racial and ethnic equality is far from being achieved. Несмотря на внешнюю видимость и широко распространенное мнение о том, что Южная Америка представляет собой, скорее всего, успешный пример смешения рас, расовое и этническое равенство в ней далеко не обеспечено. reverso.net)
20.01.2022 12:46:22 ling. runiform рунический (Runiform may refer to scripts or inscriptions similar written with letters that are similar in form to the runic scripts that were historically used to write various Germanic languages in Northern Europe. wikipedia.org)
8.09.2021 23:33:49 cook. flinglish английский завтрак (A Flinglish is the combining of the words "Full" and "English": Can I have a flinglish youtu.be)
6.04.2021 20:21:12 cook. zest цедра лимона/ сделать цедру лимона теркой) (zest is the yellow part of the peel (skin) on the outside of a lemon. The zest is shiny, brightly colored and textured; it is the outer surface of the fruit which consumers can directly see.: How much juice and zest is in 1 lemon? acouplecooks.com)
11.12.2020 17:24:52 psychiat. god complex мания величия (A person is who is said to have a "God complex", does not believe he is god, but acts so arrogantly that he might as well believe his is God or appointed to act by God.: ... And keep your money, I got my own Get a bigger smile on my face, being alone Bad motherfucker, God complex ... (Don't Hurt Yourself by Beyonce))
3.12.2020 13:18:59 sport. do the curls делать скручивания (в тренажёре)
2.12.2020 17:50:20 ed. savant UK /ˈsæv.ənt/ US /sævˈɑːnt/ учёный (a person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially someone who is less able in other ways:: There are musical savants who are very awkward physically – until they sit at the piano. cambridge.org)
27.11.2020 18:47:23 ed. math математика (AmE; (амер.англ.) the study of numbers, shapes, and space using reason and usually a special system of symbols and rules for organizing them cambridge.org)