
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Stanislav Silinsky: 226  >>

8.04.2024 10:35:41 gen. communicate донести мысль (What is he trying to communicate to us through this painting?)
27.03.2024 9:42:47 gen. talent in the raw ростки таланта
21.02.2024 16:16:09 gen. instrumental важный для обеспечения качества
21.02.2024 16:15:09 gen. universal deluge всемирный потоп
26.10.2023 17:51:27 gen. steam table мармитная стойка (He grabbed bacon and scrambled eggs from the steam table.)
26.10.2023 17:48:04 gen. gushing hormones гормоны играют
26.10.2023 17:43:34 gen. go downhill опуститься (figurative: Could he go downhill that fast?)
26.10.2023 17:38:18 gen. fashion приспособить для (He fashioned a long plank of wood for a seat of the swing. )
25.10.2023 12:26:43 gen. jimmy open отжать (Exit doors are kept locked, but they're not hard to jimmy open.)
25.10.2023 12:17:13 gen. misrepresent oneself выдать себя за (He misrepresented himself as a lawyer.)
25.10.2023 12:15:42 gen. be smb. to smb. я вам не (-"Hello, Mac." – "That's Captain Miller to you.")
25.10.2023 12:11:11 gen. letterhead официальный бланк (I will need something in writing on the appropriate letterhead to get the request verified and initiated.)
25.10.2023 12:07:06 gen. give smb. the once-over оглядеть с головы до ног (informal: He gave him the once-over.)
25.10.2023 12:00:57 gen. steady oneself привести себя в чувство (She was trying to steady herself.)
11.04.2023 17:12:18 gen. for a fact наверняка ("I am not assuming anything. I know it for a fact.")
11.04.2023 17:10:04 gen. fuse cartridges пробки электрические (Several of the fuse cartridges were removed from the electricity box.)
11.04.2023 17:05:05 gen. salacious смачный
11.04.2023 17:03:07 gen. disorientated в замешательстве
11.04.2023 16:56:29 gen. reassign the power of attorney переделать доверенность (в пользу кого-либо)
11.04.2023 16:53:23 gen. mood swings перемена настроения (My mother can't cope with my father's mood swings.)
11.04.2023 16:50:28 gen. stressed out в напряжении (By the end of the week I was so stressed out that I couldn't think of anything.)
11.04.2023 16:44:30 gen. get labeled получить прозвище (I soon got labeled a sick fantasist.)
11.04.2023 16:41:49 gen. from the rooftops во всеуслышание, во весь голос (I want to shout your discovery from the rooftops.)
11.04.2023 16:34:10 inf. brit. community bobby участковый полисмен (He is our community bobby, and this is his area.)
11.04.2023 16:31:23 gen. get nowhere ни к чему конкретному не приводить (They attempted to raise interest among journalists, but got nowhere.)
31.03.2023 10:25:06 gen. to the letter в точности (We've followed your instructions to the letter.)
31.03.2023 10:23:11 gen. end result конечный результат (She has finessed the end result to perfection.)
31.03.2023 10:19:42 gen. retake a test пересдавать экзамен (He lost his driving licence and was ordered to retake his test at the end of the ban.)
31.03.2023 10:16:21 gen. in a bad light в невыгодном свете (She did her best to put Jess in a bad light.)
31.03.2023 10:13:43 gen. double take замедленная реакция (This incident caught me off-guard, and I did a mouth-dropping double-take.)
31.03.2023 10:08:23 gen. ongoing по настоящее время (Richard Coutts came to us with unimpeachable references. He has been Personal Security Officer with us 14.02.2022 – ongoing.)
16.03.2023 10:17:32 gen. give/have one's resignation вручать заявление об увольнении ("In this case, you can have my resignation,sir.")
16.03.2023 10:13:32 gen. get the paperwork done готовить документы ("The doctor's releasing you. We're getting the paperwork done up. You have a way to get home?")
16.03.2023 10:10:18 gen. at the top of the hour в начале часа (He found a radio station that had a national news roundup program at the top of the hour.)
16.03.2023 10:08:04 gen. yank втаскивать (The door opened and a big hand grabbed him and yanked him inside.)
16.03.2023 10:03:08 gen. now defunct ныне не существующий
16.03.2023 10:00:47 gen. hairpin turn серпантин
16.03.2023 9:56:00 gen. legal entity юридическое лицо (Washington has imposed sanctions on more than 1,300 Russians in recent years and on more than 1,000 Russian legal entities.)
28.01.2023 11:19:39 gen. scald ошпарить кипящей водой ("The water is too hot, you are scalding me!")
7.11.2022 11:10:41 gen. spite назло (I decided to go to the dancing club to spite my mother.)
7.11.2022 11:08:51 gen. age showing это всё возраст (Sorry, Bob, for being so late. That's my age showing.)
7.11.2022 11:06:02 gen. take a swig отпивать (He takes a swig from his bottle of beer.)
7.11.2022 11:03:44 gen. blow over устаканиться (Brawls, police interviews, non-stop worry. Would this blow over? Would he ever get his peace back?)
7.11.2022 11:00:09 gen. file off the number перебить номер на двигателе (they used to steal motorcycles, file off the serial number and change the registration.)
7.11.2022 10:49:57 gen. run through a computer пробить по базе (I jotted down the number plate of the car and got the friend of a friend to run it through a computer.)
7.11.2022 10:42:58 gen. give or take приблизительно (add or subtract in estimating: It happened fifty-odd years ago, give or take.)
7.11.2022 10:38:40 gen. fleeting едва уловимый (they both smile, but the smiles are fleeting.)
7.11.2022 10:35:59 gen. get a closer look at smb. or sth. чтобы лучше рассмотреть (She raised her glasses to get a closer look at the wristwatch.)
7.11.2022 10:31:47 gen. of one's own making сам всё устроил (This is a mess of your own making, a mess that came from greed.)
7.11.2022 10:28:09 gen. molded plastic литой акриловый пластик (moulded (Brit.): He collapsed onto a molded plastic chair, which bends under his weight.)
7.11.2022 10:24:05 gen. fill smb. in on sth. посвятить в тайну (Liz is sitting in her low chair and filling Penny in on the drama.)
7.11.2022 10:20:33 gen. work дело (in the sense of "matter': The injection is the work of a split second to anyone experienced in intramuscular injections.)
31.10.2022 10:48:57 gen. cut corners халтурить (do something perfunctorily so as to save time or money.)
31.10.2022 10:44:55 gen. proverbial кое-куда (used instead of a rude expression: Ron said that Ian could stick his papers up the proverbial.)
31.10.2022 10:38:25 gen. tile укладывать плитку (verb: There are jobs I do, like fix alarms, tile swimming pools.)
31.10.2022 10:35:20 gen. trademark фирменный (He explains it with his trademark patience.)
31.10.2022 10:28:24 gen. be spot on попасть в точку
31.10.2022 10:10:52 gen. have one's nose in everything соваться в дела
24.08.2022 15:56:22 gen. glassy-eyed остекленевший взгляд (She was going glassy-eyed with red wine.)
24.08.2022 15:52:01 gen. top up подливать (например, вино: He topped up our glasses./ Do you need a top-up?)
24.08.2022 15:48:52 gen. cool самообладание (He isn't one to lose his cool.)
24.08.2022 15:46:15 gen. hold in place удерживать (не позволять двигаться: He removed the screws which held in place the sheet of plywood over the front doorway.)
24.08.2022 15:42:07 gen. What a one you are! Ну ты и штучка!
24.08.2022 15:40:38 gen. unglazed незастеклённый (unglazed book-shelf)
11.07.2022 12:14:08 gen. agree on key issues согласиться по ключевым вопросам
11.07.2022 12:10:32 gen. forced voting принудительное голосование (There were reports of ballot stuffing and forced voting.)
30.06.2022 10:42:51 gen. conscription призыв в армию (Sweden brought back conscription in 2017.)
21.06.2022 13:10:36 gen. live wire провод под напряжением (The policemen with flashing red lights were warning any passer-by of live wires.)
21.06.2022 13:06:04 gen. fight off откинуть (сбросить. скинуть: She fought off the fleecy blanket covering her face.)
21.06.2022 13:02:08 gen. pick up подхватить (чей-либо рассказ: She sighed and said, "Hurricane weather." John picked it up. "Said so on my radio.")
21.06.2022 12:56:56 gen. yield to пойти на поводу (Paying the blackmailer off is very much like yielding to his first demand.)
21.06.2022 12:50:01 gen. anything but явно не (The pictures in the papers next morning, somewhat distorted, conveyed the impression that Agnes in her tennis attire was anything but a grief-striken widow.)
21.06.2022 12:05:56 gen. chase off прогонять (Do you remember chasing me off the sidewalk on my roller skates?)
21.06.2022 12:02:12 gen. go on + a number of years в следующем году ему будет столько то лет (He was nineteen, going on twenty)
7.06.2022 15:29:11 gen. sluggish тугодум (His thinking processes were sluggish.)
7.06.2022 15:26:05 gen. to a point до точки (She was trying to work his fury to a point where it would give him courage to deal with the situation.)
7.06.2022 15:18:02 gen. be no great judge of sth. плохо разбираться в (He was no great judge of physiognomy.)
7.06.2022 15:02:30 gen. have on the brain не выходить из головы (I had this encounter on the brain.)
7.06.2022 14:53:23 gen. time sth. for sth. приурочить к (The first race is timed for 10 a.m.)
30.05.2022 11:20:36 gen. over and done with покончено (This candidate is over and done with – let's cross him off the list.)
30.05.2022 11:13:20 gen. lose fizz газ вышел из бутылки (She finds an opened Coke in the refrigerator, but it may have lost its fizz.)
30.05.2022 11:09:37 gen. fair up разгуливаться (She suggested a picnic on Saturday – the weather is fairing up.)
30.05.2022 11:05:39 gen. pull-chain toilet унитаз с цепочкой для слива воды
30.05.2022 11:02:54 gen. glass-fronted cupboard/sideboard шкаф со стеклянными дверцами
30.05.2022 10:56:23 gen. feel one's age ощущать свой возраст (He rose at one o'clock, feeling the heat and feeling his age.)
30.05.2022 10:52:28 gen. come into view увидеть (A bright star came into view, a really bright one.)
24.04.2022 11:11:47 gen. gather dust валяться без дела (You can borrow my bike. It's gathering dust.)
21.04.2022 9:43:26 gen. on the right track на верном пути
24.01.2022 11:17:25 gen. retesting пересдача экзамена (Retesting is only allowed once.)
1.12.2021 18:26:13 gen. key card электронный пропуск (All the buildings are locked: only people with key cards can enter.)
29.09.2021 13:00:42 gen. homicide department отдел по расследованию убийств
29.09.2021 10:55:08 gen. dotted утыканный (having many things scattered over the surface: Chinese cities are dotted with high-rise apartments, many of them snapped up as investments by newly minted members of the country's burgeoning middle class in recent years.)
29.09.2021 10:46:20 gen. send jitters привести в нервозное состояние (The company's crisis sent jitters through global markets.)
29.09.2021 10:09:32 gen. maintain the status quo сохранять сложившийся порядок вещей
29.09.2021 10:02:59 gen. poll behind отставать по опросам общественного мнения (He is polling behind other candidates.)
29.09.2021 9:58:30 gen. truculent зарвавшийся
29.09.2021 9:54:46 gen. stand at the heart находиться в в центре (She stood at the heart of European policy for 15 years.)
7.07.2021 16:18:32 gen. in the dark of night глубокой ночью (The last remaining U.S. detachments left the air base in the dark of night.)
25.05.2021 15:17:11 gen. motivation основание
25.05.2021 15:14:35 gen. beat the odds повезло (Many companies failed, but this one managed to beat the odds.)

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