
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Bahtile: 8

24.02.2012 17:52:09 polit. civic watch общественный контроль (as opposed to monitoring done by government, eg. NGO watch. Organizations carrying out civic watch are called watchdogs)
23.02.2011 11:33:42 med. dentoalveolar зубоальвеолярный
11.03.2009 12:43:26 el. fluorescent lamp люминофорная лампа
25.02.2009 17:06:10 chem. sec-butyl acetate втор-бутилацетат
6.02.2009 15:20:22 agric. double-nutrient fertilizer двойное удобрение
4.12.2008 12:27:34 biol. sap сок растения (the fluid part of a plant)
30.05.2008 14:51:42 polym. ethylene vinyl alcohol, EVOH этиленвиниловый спирт
29.05.2008 14:48:27 chem. silica-based nano-additives нанодобавки на основе кремнезёма