

link 24.03.2007 16:19 
Subject: chees plant
Please, help to translate. The text I'm translating is from a student book for second-year students, and I have already asked the teacher from America for the translation, but even she doesn't know, I personally think it is so to say a special nick-name which is used in a particular region, like in russian "денежное дерево", etc.

Phrase is used in the following sentence:His mother, who died some years ago, gave him the chees plant,and most of the other plants he bought...

Thanks in advance


link 24.03.2007 16:51 
Could it be "(Swiss) Cheese Plant" (Monstera deliciosa)?


link 24.03.2007 16:54 
По русски это растение называется "монстера"


link 24.03.2007 19:32 
А я в Мультитране еще вот какую "ботву" нашел!
cheese flower = мальва придорожная
См. ссылку:


link 24.03.2007 19:49 
Точно монстера.
Сайтов куча и пишется она по разному: то cheese plant, то cheesplant


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