
 Анна Ф

link 28.02.2007 11:35 
Subject: No. 1 bundles and busheling (мет.)
No. 1 bundles and busheling (мет.)
Подскажите, пожалуйста.
Первосортный (высшей производственной категории)...


link 28.02.2007 11:46 
По-моему, здесь bushelingметаллическая обрезь или сварочное железо. Мало, что не особенно в теме, так ещё и с Вашими контекстами… ;-)

 Анна Ф

link 28.02.2007 13:05 
Pig iron prices have rocketed
A bout of restocking in the USA has sent the delivered price of pig iron into New Orleans to over $350/tonne loaded on a barge, $35/t higher than last month. In fact, new offer prices are rumoured to be as high as $365/tonne. The price surge has largely been triggered by a spate of orders from the major US mills, which had stayed out of the market for some months and hence run down their inventories. In addition, demand for pig iron has intensified due to the low availability of industrial scrap, with mills willing to pay a premium of at least $60/tonne over No. 1 bundles and busheling to secure supplies.


link 28.02.2007 13:48 
Вот scrap bundle:

Вот busheling:

Вот глоссарий по теме: «Металлоторг»
А вот картинки с привязкой к нативным терминам
Ну просто позор джунглям! :-Р


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