

link 21.12.2006 9:32 
Оказание услуг на объекте производится представителем Исполнителя по согласованному сторонами в следующем порядке:...


link 21.12.2006 10:02 
Site services (или как они у вас называются) will be (are) provided by the Contractor's Representative in compliance with the procedure agreed by the Parties and in the following order (если я правильно понимаю русский исходник)....как вариант


link 21.12.2006 10:08 
Services at the manufacturer's facility will (shall) be provided by the Contractor's representative as agreed between the parties in accordance with the following procedure:


link 21.12.2006 10:46 
Services shall be provided by the Contractor's representative at the manufacturer's facility [fabrication yard] as agreed upon between the parties and specified [indicated or set out] below:


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