

link 4.12.2006 10:20 
Subject: стилистические приемы ling.
Помогите, пожалуйста, найти в данном тексте какие-либо возможные стилистические приемы (метафора, анафора, ирония, аллюзия и т.д)! Данный текст взят из романа "Escape" by Somerset Maugham.
This was the gift of pathos. Mrs. Barlow, for she was twice a widow, had splendid dark eyes and they were the most moving I ever saw; they seemed to be ever on the point of filling with tears; they suggested that the world was too much for her, and you felt that, poor dear, her sufferings had been more than anyone should be asked to bear. If, like Roger Charing, you were a strong, hefty fellow with plenty of money, it was almost inevitable that you should say to yourself: I must stand between the hazards of life and this helpless little thing, or, how wonderful it would be to take the sadness out of those big and lovely eyes! I gathered from Roger that everyone had treated Mrs. Barlow very badly. She was apparently one of those unfortunate persons with whom nothing by any chance goes right. If she married a husband he beat her; if she employed a broker he cheated her; if she engaged a cook she drank. The first time I met her we had played bridge together and when she was my partner she twice trumped my best card. I behaved like an angel, but I confess that I thought if the tears were going to well up into anybody's eyes they should have been mine rather than hers. And when, having by the end of the evening lost a good deal of money to me, she said she would send me a cheque and never did, I could not but think that I and not she should have worn a pathetic expression when next we met. Roger introduced her to his friends. He gave her lovely jewels. He took her here, there, and everywhere. Their marriage was announced for the immediate future. Roger was very happy. He was committing a good action and at the same time doing something he had very much a mind to. It is an uncommon situation and it is not surprising if he was a trifle more pleased with himself than was altogether becoming. Then, on a sudden, he fell out of love. I do not know why. It could hardly have been that he grew tired of her conversation, for she had never had any conversation.


link 4.12.2006 10:45 
Кем взят и зачем их искать? Что в этом направлении уже сделано Вами лично?


link 4.12.2006 10:51 
Здесь изобилуют в основном синтаксические стилистические приемые, посмотрите внимательно на структуру сложных предложений, способ связи, на параллельные конструкции (их тип), н-р, If she married ...if she engaged, If she married ...if she employed a broker, повторы, н-р местоимения I и противопоставление I and not she. Резко сменяющуюся чреду сложных предложений на чреду простых предложений.
Здесь есть предложения бессоюзные и с разными типами связи, что тоже является определенным стилистическим приемом.


link 4.12.2006 10:52 
Выпишите те приемы, которые нашли лично Вы. А мы (форумчане) подкорректируем.


link 4.12.2006 10:54 
2 Brains: Наверно,домашнее задание к семинару по стилистике или курсовику, дипломной, аналитическому чтению:) Скоро сессия, декабрь на дворе;)


link 4.12.2006 10:58 
If she married a husband he beat her; if she employed a broker he cheated her; if she engaged a cook she drank -- анафора (повторение начала, что усиливает эффект)


link 4.12.2006 11:05 

splendid eyes - epithet
behaved like an angel - comparison

В мою бытность студентом, нас на практике устной и письменной речи заставляли делать такой стилистический анализ. Ужас, как я его не любил!


link 4.12.2006 11:27 
"behaved like an angel - comparison

нет, Ари, simile.

читать текст не буду лениво и некогда.

Понимаю Вас, девушка, что сессия скоро, что на лекциях надо было делом заниматься, и не пришлось бы отвлекать уважаемых коллег от дел праведных.


link 4.12.2006 11:34 
2 Leolia
Наверно,домашнее задание к семинару по стилистике или курсовику, дипломной, аналитическому чтению:) Скоро сессия, декабрь на дворе;)
Я и не сомневаюсь. И сказал то же, что Аристарх и Dimking, только несколько эвфемистичнее.


link 4.12.2006 13:20 
МАХЛ рулит :0)
Всегда ненавидел эти Commentaries :0))
Мы этот отрывок тоже разбирали, к сожалению все записи утеряны :0((


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