

link 1.12.2006 12:29 
Subject: Как пишется ваше имя?
Как спросить: Как пишется ваше имя?


link 1.12.2006 12:33 
How do I/you spell your name?
What is the spelling of your name


link 1.12.2006 12:34 
how do you spell your name?
how does your name spell?
how is your name spelling?


link 1.12.2006 12:34 
Could you spell your name, please?


link 1.12.2006 12:38 
You can say:

Excuse me, could you spell that,(please)?
I'm sorry, could you please spell that for men ("please" can also be placed at the end after the word "me" rather than in the middle. at the end, it is more empahsized)?

How do I/you spell your name? NO
What is the spelling of your name? NO
how do you spell your name? OK, if it's not an official conversation. You know, over the fun when ordering tickets or something.
how does your name spell? NO
how is your name spelling? NO


link 1.12.2006 12:47 


link 1.12.2006 12:49 
Боюсь, please тут делу не поможет. Прямые вопросы по этой теме действительно очень offending :-/


link 1.12.2006 12:51 
oh crap. typo... not, "could you please spell that for men" but rather "could you please spell that for ME"


it's not offensive at all. it's offensive when they don't bother to ask and you find out they are spelling it incorrectly. no one thinks it's offensive, especially if they have a name like Schauerman but your family has been pronouncing it as Sherman for the last 100 years... if they dont ask, you will get mail as Sherman and think "is this me, or no?"


link 1.12.2006 12:59 
I'd kill anyone who dares to spell my name in a way that I consider wrong, end of discussion.
Killing here means, at the very least, having no business with that man (not 'person', fuck off you bitches) whatsoever, and also putting him (not 'him or her', fuck off you bitches) onto every ignore list available. And then doing everything possible not to make him enjoying his fecking life.


link 1.12.2006 13:09 
Саш, суров!))) имхо твой ник тут спеллили кто во что горазд? вроде, пока все живы?))


link 1.12.2006 13:18 
Здесь упор на in a way that I consider wrong.
В way входят также цели и задачи такого употребления. Если не вижу в них угрозы моему эго, то благосклонно киваю с улыбкой, а ряд вариантов запоминаю и при случае использую, как то Эсхатуй и пр.


link 1.12.2006 13:56 
SH2 or who?
um, what was that? i am kind of alarmed.

anyhow, i mean to say that you dont get offended when someone wants to respect you enough to make sure they have the right spelling. it's ok to ask... and please is always good, anywhere.


link 1.12.2006 14:04 
Не соглашусь. Я как-то чуть не убил человека, услышав от него язвительное please.


link 1.12.2006 14:05 
you must have some sort of hatred for politeness then

judging from the above post, i am guessing this is more than true


link 1.12.2006 14:09 
It actually is, I don't think anyone would argue.
Moreover, I do possess (or am being possessed by) some sort of hatred for people, in general.


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