

link 13.09.2006 8:07 
Subject: Врач
Пожалуйста, подскажите, что такое naprapath. Это должен быть какой-то врач типа мануального терапевта. Спасибо!


link 13.09.2006 8:09 


link 13.09.2006 8:10 
Вот что я нашла!

Naprapathy is a branch of medicine, (manual medicine) that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. Doctors of Naprapathy are connective tissue specialists.

Naprapathic treatment consists of naprapathic manipulative techniques, adjunctive (additional) treatments, and nutritional counseling.

Napapathy is an alternative to chiropractic, founded in the early 1900s by Oakley Smith who called his manual medical technique, napapathy. Chiropractors focus on the spine. Naprapaths emphasize the ligaments.

The oldest and largest naprapathic school is the National College of Naprapathic Medicine, in Chicago. The NCNM offers a 36 month, residential, evening program which costs about a third of the tuition at a chiropractic school, and has fewer prerequisites. Graduates receive a DN or Doctor of Naprapathy degree.

Naprapaths are cash-based, solo practitioners, utilizing their hands and other modalities to manage neuromuscular or soft tissue related pain.

Although naprapaths are licensed in only two states, Illinois and New Mexico, they can also practice in California and Florida, and other states in which naprapathy is not regulated. Although the term Oakley Smith Method is trade marked, the word naparathy is not. Massage therapists who want to practice naprapathy in California or Florida, or other states in which naprapathy is not regulated can complete an online DN program and begin practicing even before they graduate.


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