

link 1.04.2006 13:42 
Subject: It means the shit has hit the fan, and I'm standing downwind.
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The bullet had only grazed me, but whatever grazed me had been of a big enough caliber that I could see things in my arm that were never meant to be visible to the naked eye. I hate seeing my own muscle and ligaments. It means the shit has hit the fan, and I'm standing downwind.


link 1.04.2006 13:57 
"When the shit hits the fan" is usually used to refer to a specific time of confrontation or trouble, which requires decisive action. This is often used in reference to combat situations and the action scenes in movies, but can also be used for everyday instances that one might be aprehensive about. "I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan!" indicates that the speaker is dreading this moment (which can be anything from an enemy attack to confronting an angry parent or friend). "He's the one to turn to when the shit hits the fan." is an idication that the person being talked about is dependable and will not run from trouble or abandon their allies in though situations. The concept of this phrase is simple enough, as the actual substance striking the rotating blades of a fan would cause a messy and unpleasant situation (much like being in the presence of a manure spreader). Whether or not this has actually happened, or if the concept is simply feasible enough for most people to immagine the result wihout needing it to be demonstrated, is unknown. There are a number of anecdotes and jokes about such situations, however, as the imagery of these situations is considered to be funny. This is generally tied-in with the concept that disgusting and messy substances spilled onto someone else is humorous.



link 1.04.2006 13:58 
дословно "дерьмо попало в вентилятор (идиома), и я стою с подветренной стороны" - т.е. у меня большие неприятности


link 1.04.2006 13:59 
все, приплыл, кранты, щас начнется


link 1.04.2006 14:00 
А если про перевод, то надо что-то аналогичное этому подобрать в русском языке (имхо), типа "это означало, что дело дрянь, и я вляпался в крупные неприятности", ну или с учетом общего стиля куча других вариантов


link 1.04.2006 14:04 
дело пахло керосином, а я стоял(а) с зажженной спичкой


link 1.04.2006 14:09 
ситуация - полное дерьмо, и я вляпался в него по самые уши.


link 1.04.2006 14:24 
Вариант: То есть я засел в заднице так глубоко, что только губы наружу.


link 1.04.2006 18:23 
Большое спасибо.


link 1.04.2006 18:24 
2 lorien
спасиба мало - говорите какой вариант выбрали)


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