

link 25.01.2006 12:26 
Subject: PC - political correctness amer.
в учебной статье *Stolen kiss puts PC on trail* не могу справится с обзацем
In one recent episode, Jerry Seinfelf , who is Jewish, offended an Apache girl he was trying to date by buying a wooden cigar store Indian. He also unwittingly enraged a Chinese postman by asking him if he knew the whereabouts of a local Cantonese restaurant.
Почему он и она оскорбились, в чем здесь gist
что это за *a wooden cigar store Indian.*
почему китаец должен дутся если ему задают простой вопрос


link 25.01.2006 12:31 
the chinese guy 'freaked' becasue seinfeld could have asked anyone, but he picked the asian guy. its bullshit, but some people are that sensitive.

cigar store - sells cigars
wooden cigar store indian - life-size wooden statue of an indian (with often confused traditional dress) standing in the store, sometimes holding the sign.
indians often resent that they are used to sell tobacco only becasue it was a tradition among many native american cultures to smoke tobacco....
they get offended becasue of the way the statue looks - generic with confused representations (headress from one tribe, jewelry from another, etc.... )

hope this helps


link 25.01.2006 12:40 
honestly, it will be hard for you to understand the situation ..... i understand it only becasue this kind of thing and attempts to understand "subtle racism" are both parts of my culture....

sincerly wishing you luck with this one!


link 25.01.2006 12:54 
про кантонский - м.б. надо было сказать гуанчжоуский? кантон вроде не ихое название. и вот кстати в гонконге говорят на кантонском диалекте - может тут смысл в том что "один народ - одна страна" (соответственно и культура одна). но это догадки конечно...


link 25.01.2006 15:00 
thank a lot comrads

but upto now i cant get gist
this guy is going to buy the wooden statue to make date !
nonsence not more!

стоит в витрине полнорозмерный маникен а этот гай охмуряет простушку и вместо дешевеньких бус покупает деревянную статую за $10000 (крутой парень ) а эта подружка совсем не рада а вот на тебе даже наоборот оскорблена


link 25.01.2006 15:02 
seinfeld is actually an idiot and a comedian.... when he does this, its not actually insulting but the joke is that the girl gets upset becasue she is too sensitive .. .he is making a joke on PC people anyhow....


link 25.01.2006 17:47 
*Stolen kiss puts PC on trail* = should be on TRIAL


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