

link 14.07.2004 10:56 
Subject: ken, tay
Подскажите пожалуйста где можно найти перевод следующих слов - ken, tay. Контекст:
I dinnay ken . . . just some cunt turning ay.

It was a bit quick tay be Gary ay.
I said I'll give the cunt his due. He came up with some snappy titles for his books. Being and Nothingness is a good fucking title for a book ken. But he had tay give them snappy titles tay get them shifted before folk discovered the shite that was inside.


link 14.07.2004 11:40 
Это попытка передать на письме шотландский диалект.

ken - знать, знаю; часто употребляется как "ну", "значит", "в общем"

tay - to (часть инфинитива)


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