
 Lonely Knight

link 10.02.2023 6:03 
Subject: Каско
Насколько casco будет понятно "тамошним"? В русском околорекламном тексте используется метонимически, просто как "остроумное" наименование дополнительной гарантии от производителя товара. Full comp?


link 10.02.2023 6:51 
Не надо Casco, пожалуйста!

Вот вам соответствующий британский термин.

"Full comp" лично для меня звучит как бессмысленный набор слов.


link 10.02.2023 8:02 
вот тут вроде легче прочесть


Aiduza, Ваша ссылка открывается, но тут же сайт затемняется (у меня, по крайней мере) и о содержании можно только догадываться

 Lonely Knight

link 10.02.2023 8:27 
У меня вообще сразу "Access denied")

Да, я все прочитал про comprehensive. Кстати, оно не соответствует п объему нашему "каско", т.к. каско не включает автогражданку. Но в моем случае это не важно. Покреативлю еще потом на досуге.

 SirReal moderator

link 10.02.2023 9:20 
что за товар-то? его эксплуатация может причинить вред имуществу и здоровью других лиц?

если нет, попробуйте extended warranty.

 Lonely Knight

link 10.02.2023 10:26 
Понтовые скамейки) По сути это extended warranty, просто производитель выпендривается. Креативная акция у него, каско для скамейки. Ну, по аналогии с авто, поломается, украдут... наверно.

 SirReal moderator

link 10.02.2023 11:07 
collision insurance :D

 Lonely Knight

link 10.02.2023 12:00 
Возвращаясь домой на автопилоте, Евгений допустил столкновение с зеленой лавочкой в переулке)


link 10.02.2023 12:38 
OK, процитирую тогда часть текста с сайта в комментарии от 9:51:

Fully comprehensive car insurance

What is comprehensive car insurance?

A comprehensive car insurance policy offers the highest level of protection for your car. It covers third-party damage to other cars, fire damage or theft of your own car, and you can claim for an accident even if you were at fault. You’ll normally be covered for damage to your vehicle even if you don’t know – or can’t prove – who caused it.

Why do I need it?

Car insurance is a legal requirement for UK drivers, but the level of cover is up to you to choose. Comprehensive car insurance offers the greatest level of protection and peace of mind. but there are other options:

Third-party car insurance

Offers protection if you damage another person’s car or injure someone while driving. It doesn’t cover your own vehicle if it's damaged in an accident.

Third-party, fire and theft

This level of cover offers the same cover as third party, but may also cover you if your vehicle is stolen or damaged in a fire.


Popular amongst young drivers, black-box insurance is based on data about your driving from a device installed in your car or smart phone app.


What’s covered?

The exact level of cover offered by comprehensive car insurance depends on the policy and the provider you choose. But here’s what comprehensive policies typically cover and some common exclusions:

Typically covered:

Third-party damage to other cars

Fire damage to your own car

Theft of your car

The full cost of repairing damage to your car

Injury to other people

Damage caused by flooding

Typically not covered:

Theft caused by carelessness

Damage or injuries caused when driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Driving with an invalid driving licence

General wear and tear

Driving someone else’s car. This can vary between providers and policies.

 Amor 71

link 10.02.2023 13:35 
Выражение "full coverage" любой поймет, потому что ассоцируется именно с автомобилем. По крайней мере в США.

What is “full coverage” car insurance?

“Full coverage” car insurance is a general term that many agents, lenders, and car dealerships use to describe a policy that includes certain coverages. It's not an actual type of coverage but instead a way to talk about a collection of coverages that protect policyholders against various circumstances.

When someone says “full coverage” car insurance, they're generally referring to the following coverages:

Liability (usually includes Bodily Injury and Property Damage)



“Full coverage” may also include other coverages such as:

Uninsured Motorist

Gap Insurance

24-hour Roadside Assistance



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