

link 9.02.2022 14:42 
Subject: separate yourself out of the exercise
Не пойму, как в этом контексте перевести слово exercise?

So you can’t focus on yourself, and you can’t compare yourself with other people. What are you supposed to be thinking about then? Well, I didn’t say you can’t think about other people. It’s just not helpful to focus on them in relation to yourself, to compare or compete. However, if you separate yourself out of the exercise entirely and look properly outwards at others, that is the road to happiness, my friend.


link 9.02.2022 15:03 
'the exercise' here may mean 'the process [of comparing yourself with others and competing with them]' -- but what's the context?

Also it's slightly clumsy English: usually you separate yourself from (sth/s.o.), not out of (it/them).


link 9.02.2022 15:15 


link 9.02.2022 17:07 
Если, дружище, ты сможешь абстрагироваться / абстрагируешься от этого дела и взглянуть /и посмотришь ....


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